Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!
"My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun
"I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer
"May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all you've been given
To be more than what you sought
"May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
And your rainbows pots of gold
"I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too..."
I see a twinkle in your eye, so this shall be my Christmas star and I will travel to your heart: the manager where the real things are.
And I will find a mother there who holds you gently to her breast, a father to protect your peace, and by these things you shall be blessed.
And you will always be reborn and I will always see the star and make the journey to your heart: the manager where the real things are.
Sleep sweetly, while visions of sugar plums dance in your head (you gluttonous bitches! :p).

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Forever Young by Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Some words from Leunig...

We give thanks for the invention of the handle.Without it there would be many things we could'nt hold on to. As for the things we can't hold on to anyway, let us gracefully accept their ungraspable nature and celebrate all things elusive, fleeting and intangible. They mystify us and make us receptive to truth and beauty. We celebrate and give thanks.

Let us live in such a way
That when we die
Our love will survive
And continue to grow.

Dear God,
We rejoice and give thanks for earthworms, bees, ladybirds and broody hens: for humans tending their gardens, talking to animals, cleaning their homes and singing to themselves; for the rising of the sap, the fragrance of growth, the invention of the wheelbarrow and the existence of the teapot, we give thanks. We celebrate and give thanks.

In fact, here's a link:!.html

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"As human beings we possess "free will", or more accurately "freedom of choice". We have, at all times, an absolute personal power to choose between this or that action, thought, emotion, etc. And as Nature shows us clearly, for every action there is an equal reaction; or in this case, for every choice taken there is an equal consequence. And to the same degree that we are responsible for choosing, we are equally responsible for the consequences of our choices. There are no choices taken without consequences for which we are personally responsible."
There are indeed arguments that can be used to say that humans don't have 'free will', of course - conditioning, genetic make up etc. - and these are to a degree important, but the point here is simply to say that we choose to make the decisions we do. I'm not sure about other people, but I know with me that there are plenty of times when I consciously choose to, for example, stay angry, although it sort of seems not to be a choice in a way. But it is at these moments of choice, these gaps between impulse and action, that we have the power to change ourselves, change our lives and the lives of those around us, for the better. Just think about it. Be honest with yourself and think of all those times you consciously decide to do things to hurt others and the such. Even if it is somewhat subconscious, or seems it, there is often a subtle agreement in your mind you refuse to acknowledge in your mind to act a certain way. It is in this awareness that our power to change the world lies.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"We're lost, but we're making great time!"

"unlimited, eternal and infinite Opportunity exists all around us.
to look it in the eye can actually be quite scary.
a giant pile of dominoes, waiting to be stacked--
to be re-created, transformed into something new--
only to be knocked over in the end.

"can there really be art for art's sake?
coulld YOU really do it?
could you give all of yourself to some endeavor--
attempt to manifest your Inside out into the world--
and then, having found your Self at last,
give it a toss into the fire?

"life is the universe, painting it's self-portrait.

"the beauty of it, and yet also a sort of tragedy,
is that your Great Work will never be done.
there will always be something else to add.

"Creation will exist for eternity.
It will do so because it has no choice.
It may wander for as long as it desires, but in the end,
Existence is what you arrive at,
no matter which path you choose to walk.

"love it, fight it, use it or abuse it--
no matter what, your Being will not forsake you.
it will wait for you on the highest peak,
and walk with you through the darkest depths of Negation.

"always, always, always,
somewhere present within you,
you posess the blueprint for your Highest Goal.
somewhere, shrouded in vague memories and dreams,
you have an awareness of What You Came Here For.

"to put it another way: you will always be Loved. get used to it.
like it or not, you're stuck with your Self,
and in the end you answer to You and your Self alone.

"in awareness of that, do with Existence what you will.
you are perfectly Free to create your own world.
in fact, you've already done so, even if you've yet been unaware.

"you, reader, are just like me--
a witness, an exploring child--
a seeker, stopped dead in your tracks,
by a brief glimpse of the Light.

"listen to me. this is Truth.
it is not mine and i did not come up with it.
it simply is. that is, it exists because that is its essence.
it's source is the balance between Darkness and Light.

"so here's some words i found etched in a stone that was buried under some ground,
or something i heard a bird say, or something taped to a brick,
then thrown through my front window.


"nothing happens by coincidence, and chance does not operate in any world,
so i read these words and wonder about them for awhile.
i don't think i understand them, or know if i believe them,
but i just wouldn't feel right if i didn't pass them along.

"i'm not looking for answers, I just have some questions I'd like to ask

".... so much babble ... hours spent trying to make thought into word ... what's the gain? i dunno. it's daylight, i've got work tomorrow, and i should probably go to bed. but what of these words? do i like them? am i proud of them? could they have come at another time? i would hope so, but i'll admit i'm not so sure. regardless, when it comes down to it, what have i got to lose?

"here's those words:

"everything you see, and feel and hear and touch,
are the result of your own Creation.
there are no victims or villains in this world.



I love the way the fallen bouganvillea flowers in the yard next door dance around each other on the breeze. Sometimes just one at a time, sometimes two, sometimes more. Sometimes it takes a second to realise they're dead flowers rather than butterflies.

I love the infinite possibility of life, and how the closer you look, the more you can see.

Birds at sunset are like fish. They fly level and are just sort of dark, then briefly turn on their sides slightly towards the west and reflect a flash of light.

Who needs the minimalist idols of Malevich and the Suprematists when you have the light thrown on the walls?

I love planes. Aeroplanes, that is. Especially when they look exactly like the ones in quantas adds. I love quantas adds, the feeling the evoke. It's so cool how even when planes are so far away you can still hear the distant roar of them. I saw a one from an angle I never have before. I was looking out the window, and one flew directly overhead, so that as it got further away it was almost like those birds you draw when you're young, just thin lines in the sky.

I love the sky. It is constantly changing, and always amazing. Like how they say "you never step in the same river twice", you never look at the same sky twice. And it is so deceptive. It pretends to be this solid ceiling above us, yet in reality it stretches out into infinity.

If you are the ultimate centre of your universe, responsible for everything that happens in your life, then you're not seeing clearly. How can anything be you, when it has taken absolutely EVERYTHING that has ever been for things to happen as they do?

"i appreciate the opportunity to travel, to ramble,
to be wrong as much as i'm right,
to be bored as much as i'm entertained,
and lonely as often as i'm in love
--mother and father, child and God.

"well i ain't got no worries cause i ain't in no hurry...
just kickin ass off the plate God chose to feed me on.

"a happy song to the one i love--
the one i love in the road in my mind
as i travel on what i dream--
and to that still undecided whether to be or not,
to arrive or to be fuel for what arrives next
as it passes on.

"if you trust me i can help you heal yourself--
to find Freedom, Wisdom, and Love.
i know im riding but i dont know to where.

got any worms?"

I love you all in a way that verbalising that phrase does not do justice. In my head, love is the only way to put it, yet when I say it out loud it doesn't seem quite right.
Take care of yourselves :)
Sleep tight.
"Well I've been thinking bout the future
Too young to pretend
It's such a waste to always look behind you
You should be lookin' straight ahead

Yeah, I'm gonna have to move on
Before we meet again
Yeah, it's hard
If you had've only seen

10.34: Flinders Street Station
I'm lookin' down the tracks
Uniformed man askin' am I paid up
Why would I wanna be that?

Yeah I'm gonna have to move on
Before we meet again
Yeah it's hard
If you had have only seen

Take control
Don't be afraid of me

'Cause every once in a while
You think about if your gonna get yourself together
You should be happy just to be alive
Just because you just don't feel like comin' home
Don't mean that you'll never arrive

Yeah I'm gonna have to move on
Before we meet again
Yeah it's hard
If you had have only seen

Take control
Don't be afraid of me"

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"so i chose all this, huh? is that what you're saying?

"i guess there is a sort of cosmic humor in it... so much irony it could only be called divine.

"you did not create yourself. your actions only have the illusion of being of your own accord. what "occurs" as "events" in this universe are, in every case, the necessary result of the prevailing conditions--only the densest portion of which could be said to be "physical"--at any given point in "space" and "time."

"you are in Reality only a silent witness to this process. from a more universal context it can be seen as self-evident that the ego is deluded in claiming posession of its thoughts and deeds. sorry, but you don't have the power to determine the course of manifestation... even at the highest currently attainable levels of human consciousness--that of the Buddha, Jesus the Christ and the other great Avatars of history--power is not something one "has" or "does" or "uses," but what one is, and is attained through submisison rather than attempts to force and control your world. "my will and the will of the father are one," to paraphrase Jesus.

"it is time to transcend your fundamental perception of duality in the world. Truth is not opposed to falsehood, and Good is not opposed to evil--there are no opposites in Reality. rather, Truth is a continuum. that is, it exists in varying degrees of intensity as an energy that is present or not, much like light could be said to exist in a dark room. the point is (it's here somewhere...) there is no such thing as darkness, or cold, or evil... there is only the presence or absence of light, heat and Love.

"to hate evil is still to hate, and no amount of wrongs will ever add up to "right."

"you cannot add darkness to the dark and make it light.

"no matter what you do--no matter how hard you try to ignore it or how long you run away--the limited self you mistake for being "you" will never be capable of being anywhere other than where it is... that is, Here and Now. try as you might, you will eventually realize that you cannot change How Things Are. eventually, be it right now, or in ten years or a million, you will have to face the Truth:

"Creation is perfect, and so are you.
Nothing should be other than it is.
"What if's" and "If only's" are nothing but useless mentations--
they only serve to distract you from the Beauty and perfect Harmony of every moment of Creation.

"Trust in this, and you will be set free.
Relax yourself completely into the world.

"As Rumi said, "be melting snow,"
or take Phish's advice, and choose to remember that the trick
is to surrender yourself completely to the flow.

"What am I saying? Nothing, really,
that hasn't been said a million times before--
in a thousand different ways, through pristine channels--
how long will we wait while Truth knocks at our door?

"Someone who loves you is trying to lead you home.


"maybe here's a good place to insert some words from A Course in Miracles--a restatement of all this babble in more rarified, simpler terms... it seems to be what you realize when you finally decide to open the door. pay attention, because these words are quite powerful... they point to what it is you came here for:

""I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal."

"or, as Neale Walsch once transcribed: "you are in the room to heal the room."

"the greatest joy and the highest bliss only come through the surrender of desire, fear and pride, out of sheer gratitude for the gift of your existence. only your highest self truly appreciates being alive.

"... i'm wandering again... back to Creation...

"Creation contains infinite potential. every possibility is available for manifestation. existence comes into being in the interaction between intent and form, brought forth by a Power of inconceivable proportions, and though the "future" is infinite and undetermined--like the cloud of probability that is the underlying substrate of matter--at the moment Creation occurs it becomes "pre-determined." your life could not have gone any other way. no one can help but to be what they are.

"okay, i'm done for now. it's funny, you really never know where these things are going to go, and it makes you wonder if "you" are really writing this at all... hehe..."

I do wonder what everyone is thinking of all this stuff I've been posting recently, particularly my friends. Maybe I've scared some people off. Maybe people think I've gone crazy, or just plain stupid. Has it changed people's opinions of me in any way? I do feel sligth embaressment and shame at all this. But oh well.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I just wanted to mention something amazing that happened last night.
I was sittiing on my bed looking out the window as I do, in a bit of a troubled, confused mood, not sure what path to choose, and being a little sad, when a dark shape drifted through the night sky. I thought at first it might be a bat, but no, it didn't move like a bat. I stared at it, then realised that it was a plastic bag, carried on the wind, drifting on high, over rooftops in the middle of the night, just calmly wafting on overhead.
I was thinking about this and rejoicing somewhat, still looking out my window, when, to my surprise, a second one came along and drifted by. A second one!
Those who have seen American Beauty would have an idea what I'm on about. For those who haven't, basically the plastic bag in the wind, in the movie, is sort of a symbol of beauty and an underlying thing in everything that could be described as divinity if you're so inclined, or just an amazing enigma. It made the character realise that there was beauty all around, that things sort of communicate with eachother, with you, if you watch carefully, or it at least can be perceived as such, and that there is nothing to fear, ever.
Two within minutes of eachother (and it seemed they weren't the same one)! It was amazing.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"don't hate yourself for them.
don't give in to anger or embarrassment.
don't indulge in guilt or feel ashamed.
that is only self-pity in disguise.
there is no-one but you who demands penance.
rest assured, you have already been forgiven.

"God does not need you to earn Forgiveness,
or sacrifice yourself to be deserving of eternal Love.
Lovingness and Forgiveness is what God is, you see,
and you are deserving of it by virtue of your existence alone.

"guilt is like a rope that you hang yourself with,
and fear is your own failure to see the beauty of the tree.
so don't attach yourself to negative emotions--
take note of them when they arise,
but let them go, for they are useless,
and will only weigh you down.

"stop kicking yourself for your past mistakes!
stop taking yourself so seriously!
your "sins" are already atoned for--
the world does not need another martyr.

"seek understanding, not condemnation,
in the actions and choices of yourself and others.
after all, none of us can be different than we are.

"observe that to hate evil is still to hate.
know that darkness can only be dispelled by light.
realize that the shadows you see are from your own reflection.
remember that you are here to heal and not to fight.

"don't compare yourself to an ideal.
you're doing fine as you are, and there is no need to hurry.
find joy in the struggle between who you are and who you wish to be.

"stop judging your experiences, and focus insteadon ever higher ways of loving Creation.
learn to love the totality of God's manifestation.
the only real way to know Love is to become it,
and in doing so you become One with the Divine.

"there are a million ways to distract yourself, indeed.
life after life you've sought comfort in self-made illusions.
in spite of your childish defiance, however,
your destiny is already determined.
your "salvation" has already been assured.
someday, somehow, no matter which road you choose,
you're going to make it home.

"so go and play as long as you want.
laugh and hurt, worry and rejoyce.
go and get lost in infinite possibility.

"but underneath it all, i tell you now,
it is Oneness that you seek--reunion, resolution--
the remembrance of your true Self.

"fear not, then,
because somewhere in your journey through eternity,
you'll discover (or remember, rather)
that only Love can satisfy your immortal soul.

"when you've exhausted every other possibility you'll know,
that true freedom lies in the willing surrender
of everything but your highest dreams.
that surrender brings with it the realization
that God's greatest giftis our freedom to take the long way home.

"what's ironic, though, is that the search itself is an illusion.
the divinely tragic comedy we've created only serves to distract us
from the fact that we've already arrived.

"that is, what it is you think you must do
is in Reality already accomplished.
right Now, not later,
your highest voice speaks to you inside your head.
don't try to bullshit me here, it won't work.
i've already heard what you think you might hear.

"all you have to do is listen.

"listen, and then follow, and be certain of your knowledge.
be confident yet humble in your divinity,
and be careful not to mistake humility for pride.

"and don't worry if you stumble and fall,
because it's already understood
that living your dreams is easier said than done."
"FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real"

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Just something I forgot to put on my other post. It's sort of a woman thing, but I'm sure that the underlying principle can be applied to other things. Regarding those dreaded things, called periods! Ahhhh! Well, I find that my attitude towards them and towards life in general has a huge impact on their painfulness, heaviness, and duration. Yes, I do not have them as bad as many others (and some might not want to hear this sort of talk), but the basic thing still stands, and it's true. I've been monitoring it for some time now. Sometimes they start off bad, then I realise I haven't been acting great, and so I realign my perception, and they are better. So there you have it. Just my experience, in hope of pointing you towards the possibility out there.
Greetings, all.
I just decided to point out to you all some things that I know from my own experience, show you how there are certain things some don't believe but, as they have happened to me, they are, at least, possible, so you can't say they aren't.
Primarily, you can do anything you want, so to speak. I mean, if you commit to change, it will happen. I realise that it has taken my whole life being exactly as it has been thus far to be where I am, but it does show that it's possible. I have achieved everything I have honestly, commitedly, even subconsciously, set out to achieve, to a degree. Of course, my life isn't over yet and all, but the facts remain. For example, friends. For one thing as a specific example, I have realised that a certain person I've always wanted to be better frineds with reacts in kind to the way I act to them, so that I have learnt that instead of waiting for others, it is actually beneficial to act yourself. Additionally, another example, I decided a little while ago that if I really wanted better friends, all I had to do was act more friendly, more how I wanted to act, and it over time happened. See, my change in acting was in part spurred on by when I had a bit to drink at Krister's 18th. I saw then who i wanted to be, in part, and, as I had seen that it was possible for me to be like that, I committed to bringing that into my normal life, to great success. So the point of saying all this is to tell you all that it is possible to achieve what you want. Entirely possible. Of course, you can deny it as much as you want, say that you in your situation connot, I am just telling you that that possiblity does exist. And i'm repeating myself a lot here.
Another thing to add, a few words on selfishness/selflessness. I've not thought of this in terms of words yet, so I hope this turns out alright. Contrary to what I have once believed and what others may express, there is a true selflessness. Of course, on some level it is for you in a way, but there's much more to it than that. Yes it can be done in a detrimental way, but it doesn't always have to be like that. there is something there that makes it good and right. I think you'll find it rewarding to think in terms of commpassion and kindness and respect and wanting to help all. A quote:
"go buy a houseplant. no, buy two. one you kind of like, and one you really don't find attractive at all. over the next few months, sit down every day for a few minutes and look at each one. for the first, think about how much you hate it, how ugly it is, what a pain it is to have to water it all the time, and how you wish it would just die and get done with it. for the second, focus on its beauty, pay attention to how it develops, think about how much you like it and how you want it to grow. get to know its shape and its characteristics, and if you're really weird, try and "feel" the energy of it. commune with it, love it, "send" it positive thoughts and energy.
"don't actually do anything different to the two plants. give them equal sun, and fertilizer, and water. treat them the same, externally, but create an opposition within your inner feelings towards them.
"then wait and see how they develop. be careful, though, because you just might kill the one you hate.
"want a better experiment? try this with people that you know. i don't suggest doing the whole "hating" part of it though (bad karma). do you know someone who is old and ailing? or constantly depressed? or who is always sick or angry or bitter? it works best with someone you see and interact with often, someone in whom you can observe day-to-day changes in behavior and attitude. when you're with them, then, or even when you're not, "send" them positive thoughts. look for what is beautiful in them. intend compassion, and "pray for them", if you like to think of it like that. ... it's best to begin with someone you already feel love for, but eventually you should try this with the people who you feel you "hate" the most... easier said than done, i know. the ultimate goal is unconditional loving-kindness and compasison for all beings, but don't worry if that seems like too much of a stretch for you...
"so try this, and then just watch. observe. notice. become aware of how their attitudes change... pay attention to how your own feelings toward a person actually affect how they feel and act, even from across a room or from a thousand miles away. if you're in a room or with a group of people, and tension or anger or discomfort begins to manifest, try centering yourself and consciously radiate love to everyone involved. when two people are arguing, focus not on the drama but on the underlying love between them that causes them to care about each other's behavior. radiate positivity, and see what happens.
"if you do this, you will eventually come to understand that your own inner thoughts and intentions actually influence all of creation. put another way, instead of getting upset or judgmental or angry at others for not being how you want them to be, be the change you wish to see in the world, and you may find that the world will follow suit. it's astonishing, and also intensely humbling, to realize as a matter of personal experience the effect that you can have on the world around you."
All you can do in difficult situations is be honest with yourself, don't let your best judgements get clouded by pride, and treat both yourself and others with compassion. By the way, as much as your pride may resist certain changes such as these, I have at least found that if you have the courage to move past them you will actually find your life is far better for it.
Of course, you may think I'm full of shit. Indeed I may be, I do remind myself of that. All I can do is speak from personal experience.
That's all for now.
Take care :)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Today Sabrina came up and hugged me, even though I've hardly talked to her before, because she thought I looked sad.
I am lucky to be surrounded with such amazing people :)
Take care, all :)
Lots of smiles and love!
"Some people do not have to search. They find their niches early in life, and rest there seemingly content and resigned. They do not seem to ask much of life, sometimes they do not seem to take it seriously. At times I envy them, but usually I do not understand them. Seldom do they understand me.
I am one of the searchers. There are, I believe, millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content. We continue to explore life, hoping to uncover it's ultimate secret. We like to walk along the beach, for we are drawn by the ocean--taken by its power, its unceasing motion, its mystery and unspeakable beauty. We like forests and mountains, deserts and rivers, and the lonely cities as well. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as is our laughter. To share our sadness with one we love is perhaps as great a joy as we can know, unless it is to share our laughter.
We searchers are ambitious only for life itself, for everything beautiful it can provide. Most of all we want to love and be loved. We want to live in a relationship that will not impede our wandering, nor prevent our search, nor lock us in prison walls; one that will take us for what little we have to give. We do not want to prove ourselves to another or compete for love.We are wanderers, dreamers and lovers... lonely men and women who dare to ask of life everything good and beautiful... those who are to gentle to live among wolves."
--James Kavanaugh
A cutesy little poem of sorts :)

Will you be my friend?
There are so many reasons why you never should:
I'm sometimes sullen, often shy, acutely sensitive,
My fear erupts as anger, I find it hard to give,
I talk about myself when I'm afraid
And often spend a day without anything to say.
But I will make you laugh
And love you quite a bit
And hold you when you're sad.
I cry a little almost every day
Because I'm more caring than the strangers ever know,
And, if at times, I show my tender side
(The soft and warmer part I hide)
I wonder,
Will you be my friend?
A friend
Who far beyond the feebleness of any vow or tie
Will touch the secret place where I am really I,
To know the pain of lips that plead and eyes that weep,
Who will not run away when you find me in the street
Alone and lying mangled by my quota of defeats
But will stop and stay - to tell me of another day
When I was beautiful.

Will you be my friend?
There are so many reasons why you never should:
Often I'm too serious, seldom predictably the same,
Sometimes cold and distant, probably I'll always change.
I bluster and brag, seek attention like a child.
I brood and pout, my anger can be wild,
But I will make you laugh
And love you quite a bit
And be near when you're afraid.
I shake a little almost every day
Because I'm more frightened than the strangers ever know
And if at times I show my trembling side
(The anxious, fearful part I hide)
I wonder,Will you be my friend?
A friend
who, When I fear your closeness, feels me push away
And stubbornly will stay to share what's left on such a day,
Who, when no one knows my name or calls me on the phone,
When there's no concern for me - what I have or haven't done -
And those I've helped and counted on have, oh so deftly, run,
Who, when there's nothing left but me, stripped of charm and subtlety,
Will nonetheless remain.

Will you be my friend?
For no reason that
I knowExcept I want you so.

by James Kavanaugh

Friday, November 11, 2005

My father is soon to be served with an afidavit from my mother regarding paying for some of Annelise's medical expenses. He's a very silly man, because he refused her first offer, and now it's going to go to court and the judge will obviously make him pay more than she at first asked because he's WRONG. I'm dreading seeing him after he gets it...
Mum's lawyer is doign this whole thing for free. It's amamzing, so nice. And the other day when she read the draft of the thing the lawyer started crying and Mum cried too, and the lady said that if they get a female judge she's sure to cry too. And she lined up a barister who's willing to do it for free too. People can be quite lovely.
My father has decided that Mum and Jeff are not allowed to attend Alana's first rowing regatta while he's there, and he's holding it over our head that he's paying and won't anymore if they come. But if he stops they'll just pay anyway. He's such a fool. At dinner the other night it came up that they were just going to go and watch the race, so only be there while he is for about fifteen minutes, but of course he would not allow that. Anyway, it escalated into a big fight, with Alana crying because she's very sensitive about things with mum and dad. And of course all the things i was saying to him were completely illogical, irrational, and he'd like to tape what i was saying and play it back to me so i'd realise how stupid i was, and that he's completely rational and reasonable. pfft. I'm sure if that were to be taped and played back to anyone in the god damn world they would say quite the opposite. considering all i was saying was that he was hurting everyone, including himself (Alana was right in front of him crying) and that he can't just expect everyone just to do whatever he wants, especially when he's so selfish and stupid.
In the car on the way back he brought it up again. Alana ended up getting really riled up and eventually down the road from home he stopped the car and yelled incredibly loudly about how we were so selfish and everyone's terrible to him and that he was standing up for himself for once and that nobody's been through what he has because he's been treated so unjustly and badly by everyone around him. He is so unbelievably blind and self-deluded! Anyway, this time ALana actually yelled back, just as loud. None of us has done such a thing before.
Eventually he drove on, having not got his way, and close to home stopped again and started saying shit. I went to open my door and get out, and this time did not even falter when he said don't you dare open that door. I put my leg out, and then he buckled and said he's drive us home. He's just a big fucking bully.
Alana ran inside crying. When we were getting out, because of the wonderful maytre he is, he has the nerve to say "love you". I don't him he can't hold us with fear anymore, and that i loved him too, despite all this shit. Because i've realised that i do. I don't know. I don't really blame him much for being as he is, I mainly just pity him deeply.
I was quite happy with how we handled it. I haven't had the guts to really do anything before. As we have discussed with mum and jeff many a time he is, emotionally, an immature teenager, and a bully who likes to play the victim. And as bullys typically do, if you cahllenge him enough times he will back down. Proven without a doubt through all our dealings with him. I used to be afraid that he might get violent or he might crack or somehting one day. Mum said she went through that same fear for five fucking years with him before she finally realised that her life is her own, she doesn't owe it to anyone, especially someone who treats her like shit, and that he will never actually do anything. It's getting the guts that's the hard part. Like with Annelise, she has recently, due to the therapy she is currently having, started simply telling him to leave when he gets too bad, and he's become a bit better since.
My mum once thought she could help him, cure him through love, but he just broke her and he did not improve at all. in fact, he only got worse with indulgence. I still think that maybe love can help him, so I do what I can, I'm nice to him these days, but he seems far beyond help, at least in this lifetime.
So after he gets served with the afidavit, i shall still see him on the tuesday night but Alana won't. I think I can handle it these days, and don't need to run anymore.
Wish me luck :)
In other news, my life is shaping up to be everything I've ever really wanted it to be. It's quite amazing. I wouldn't have thought it possible.
And I have realised how incredibly naive and emoti0nally immature i have been when i though i was just special (and I guess I have to admit now that sometime I will look back on the me of now and think that same thing again). Like with the whole relationship vs. friendship stuff. I've stopped trying to defining relationships, for one thing, because at the moment it does nothing justice because there's so much crap attatched to lables in my mind. They just are as they are. But where before I was saying that everything was relationship, now I am saying that it all just has the potential and hope for deep friendship. So that's where I am now. And as for Krister, we just work how we are, and I have realised my love for him, finally. I've realised my love for others too. things are just a bit more clear at the moment.
All those flowers are out at the moment that remind me of summer and my Wicca stage, and most of all of Christmas- star jasmine, jacarandas, gardenias. Christmas is coming, and I am so exited! It has regained it's magic for me after only one or two Christmas's of mourning its passing. I am very lucky. And the reason it has is because it is now for me all about others - spending time with family and friends and giving. That's why I wanted a job - so i could buy people things; and that's why I'm having my Christmas party. And the Christmas scenes are up in the David Jones window in the city, and this year it is....drum roll... the Night Before Christmas! After the last few years of more modern things, this year they put in something lovely and traditional. It's so appropriate for me, and so exiting! I must have a Christmas in the city day! Hoorah!
And I have realised that the most important thing for me in life is people, that imagining a future without friends, no matter what I achieve, it will be empty, as much of my life has been, until recently. There are other things I want to do, but without friends they are pointless. People are what really means something to me. For most of my life I've been an animal person, but I think that's because I felt I could not bestow my love and care on people, so i chose the next best thing. But I have people now.
How can ones life, at sixteen, be so perfect.
I love you all :)
Take care

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have discovered a new love of comics. They are lovely. The only ones I really know are Calvin and Hobbes and Leunig, but still. So here is a lovely link to some lovely comics! Lovely!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ha ha ha! I feel so stupid at the moment for all those things I've posted and said and thought. It's not always a barrel of wonderfulness. At the moment it just all seems pretty pointless again. The only things I really want to do is be with good friends and listen to music. They distract and invoke feeling. I like it.
And you know, everything I create - writing, art, whatever - just seems like lies. I really don't want to do my installation because it's lies. And I'm worried about my major works. Lies. I wonder if personal truth is possible in art. Perhpas it is for others, I wouldn't know, but for me it seems pretty impossible. I shall try and see. I don't like creating lies and pretending that there's some meaning to them.
Nothing to put here but mopeyness at the moment. Almost going back to my old blogging self in some ways. Old self. Of course I'm no new self, there is no old and new self. Whatever.
Well anyway, ciao.
Sleep well, whenever you do. Wake well too.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"We eventually have to accept responsibility for our choices, decisions, and their consequences. Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all. Every act or decision made that supports life supports all life, including one's own. The ripples we create return to us. What previously may have seemed to be a metaphysical statement is now established as scientific fact." (from Truth vs. Falsehood again, I think) Yes, apparently there are experiments that have proven many things thought to have existed to spiritual-type persons. I should probably look into them myself...

Monday, October 24, 2005

I'm so tired at the moment, I don't know if I should be writing this. I don't want to spoil it. Shall see.
Just a little something to think about...
"The steps out of failure, unhappiness, frustration, lack, want, anger, and depression are deceptively simple. Life is a voyage comparable to being out at sea in which a shift of one degree on the ship's compass will determine by the end of the trip whether or not one is hundreds of miles off course. The strongest tool, which already exists within, is the spiritual will itself, which, when firmly set, will face and take on any obstacle. It is this spiritual will that determines the success of any venture. From subjective experience, as well as many years of clinical practice, spiritual education, and research, it is confirmed that the spiritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime but also the course of one's consciousness over great expanses of time, classically termed karma.
"By one simple decision, the impossible becomes possible because the lead sinkers that were attached to the cork have been released and now the cork effortlessly rises because of the density and power of the field. Thus, one can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one's progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place. The brain's neurochemistry changes in a positive direction, and like a butterfly in a cocoon, the etheric brain springs forth as a consequence of the onset of the flow of spiritual (i.e. kundalini) energy, and the experience of life and the self in the world begins to transform.
"It will be discovered that the ego consists of interlocking building blocks and that to move even one unsettles the whole pile, which then begins to fall of its own gravity. Even a seemingly small effort can have very major effects, and one discovers that just a simple smile can totally change one's life [It's so true: a smile can instantly affect the mood of yourself in a big way, so I have found, so I remember to smile often now, and it also affects the mood of others, makes them more happy too, makes their day that much more pleasant]. The many thousands of people who follow self-improvement and spiritual pathways confirm the reality of this discovery....
"Choices determine consequences, which is a mechanism that is really impersonal and operates automatically because energy fields are invited in as a consequence of choice. The individual, as a consequence of choices, is like an iron filing whose position in the field is the direct consequence of its own decisions. To accept this reality is simultaneously uplifting and freeing. At the same time, it is frightening and brings about some degree of consternation. Therefore, the only true freedom in the universe is the freedom of choice, which is the gift received by mankind. One then realizes that there is no hand on the tiller but one's own and that 'I myself am heaven and hell'. The acceptance of this overall truth brings the strength of resolve instead of futile wishing.
"What really frightens people about spiritual reality is that it confronts one with the reality that their destiny is solely within the power of their own hands. "(from truth v falsehood, david hawkins, p.253-54, cited in another blog)
I just think there's some interesting things there. And I'm very open to comments on it all :)
So I believe in existence as a path which some sort of spirit or soul or whatever undertakes as a journey to perfection, enlightenment, whatever you want to call it. Of course, there's high possibility that I might be wrong, that's just the way I see things. Thus, in my view, explains what some may call my 'fickle' behaviour, because I have been learning and growing a hell of a lot recently, or so it seems to me. Thus, things which seem right and obvious to me have taken many many lifetimes of experience to develop that way, which is why we are all so different, and you can read something one day that has no effect on you, then come day an hour, a day, a year later and it is profound.
This ties in with my recent strive towards humility, to overcome my silly superiority thing- for it is certainly not my fault the way I am naturally, my 'positive' traits cannot really be my fault because they are determined my chemical make up and the influences that have been upon me throughout my life (and former lives, perhaps), which are in turn determined my all that has been before them. And so I have nothing to do with it. I'm just happy to be here (although sometimes disillusioned be the hugeness of it all)
All my changes are very much for the better.
Speaking of which, my today and yesterday have been very very good days on their own, together making an awesome weekend. I think I must be one of the happiest people in the world. This ties in with what I said above, as it was primarily due to my attitudes that things went so well. The whole world changes when you do, when you really do. On Saturday I caught the bus from Bondi junction to Circular Quay, which I have not done before, and is thus and exiting adventure in itself. Once there I saw an installation made up of thongs in a spiral thingy with shrine-type things and each end, and each thong was painted with some particular experience, seemingly all by seperate individuals. I really liked it. I was in the mood to enjoy all the wonderful little fragments of experience and what they represented as existence in general. It was lovely. I walked around a bit, revelling in the loveliness of life- the beauty of the day, of the people there, and what they have created. Then I caught the Rivercat over to Parramatta, another new experience, which was really nice with the ocean and the people and the scenery and the wind on my face and the loveliness. At Parramatta I went for my induction, only to find out they want me to work much more than I wanted (there was a misunderstanding) and so no job for me, and waiting around for a few hours to be picked up. I was a bit upset. Oddly upset. I wanted to buy people things! I walked out and felt like crying, I don't know why. I first I was all like oh I can't cry til I'm in some place private so nobody sees me, but then I realised that didn't matter, and so I let myself cry over something I would previously judged as silly, stupid, not worth the crying. But then there are some emotions that just come out sometimes, they don't need a reason to exist, simply feeling them is enough.
Eventually I stopped crying, and I just sat for a bit, glad that I did not bring any work so that I didn't feel the obligation to do anything, just let myself sit and enjoy things. A woman came up and sat with me, and she forced food upon me- an apple and a packet of shapes- and we talked. Or she talked to me. About enjoying life, taking care of family and friends, what I could do as a career, about writing, about knowing your body, and about how lucky we are to live in such a great place. It was lovely. I've never had and experience about that before. Her name was Lily, she came and touched my life, left her mark, and now is gone, and I am thankful she was there.
Then I sat around, walked around in the light rain and thought and enjoyed being.
Then dad came and picked me up and Annelise really wanted me to go to the movies with them that night, so I decided I would. We were going to see some crap, but we ended up seeing Pride and Prejudice. It was wonderful! Far exceeded expectations. It was really well done, and it was beautiful, and it was lovely. I thouroughly enjoyed it!. Yes, it was a bit silly and overdone in some ways, and the characterisation was quite different to the original, but I loved it! It was really great!
Today I went out to Krister's and got rather worried about him due to some talking he did in his sleep. And we had to chase the bus (in a car, of course) because his mum was horser riding and lost track of time. The bus driver was talking to another girl and I. To both of them I horseride, little do they know that it's not true, but just a misunderstanding, but you know, it doesn't really matter if they think that. They talked about the place they both happened to have lived called Haye (I'm not sure of the spelling). He said that the Haye plains are so flat that they look like they go uphill both ways. An old man got on at Castle Hill who is turning 90 on December 4th, and has recently not been out and about due to "war injuries". I wanted to ask him about it but was too shy and worried that he may not want to talk about it. Anyway, I could hardly understand what he was saying.
Everything was lovely and beautiful.
I have this recent thing of turning more of my attention to others, helping them and the such, being nice to them. I've realised that it is a million times better than not doing it. Yes, it is selfishness to a degree, but such a 'higher' form of it than acting solely for oneself and one's closest loved ones. It part of little ways of changing the world, making it a better place, enabling happiness for others (Bob, I see more Quality in your statement of purpose now) for I have come to see that it is all well and good to make big plans for socila change, but that things must really come on an individual level, and you work out from there, not the other way around. Making myself better, I can make others better, and so on. I do sometimes question why I should bother, what's the point in it all. But for now I am just living on faith, hope, that there is.
Not long ago I was complaining about how life is so not like books and movies and the such, that they were evil and deceptive and cruel for giving such false hope, but now I find that life for me is like those things, just without the sense of conclusion. That's an amazing shift in awareness, I think. In saying it, I mean that I see and feel all life as worthwhile and magical and beautiful, just like it is often depicted in such texts, and it is wonderful and spiffy.
And another similar thing: I have come to see that everything is new all the time, physically and contextually. Take, for example, a tree, just a normal boring old tree that you walk by every day, always the same, gets dull and boring. But it isn't. Physically, it is different, on a molecular level it would be slightly different. It might have grown a couple of new leaves. New birds are in it, new insects. The bark has stripped away in part. The light is slightly different etc etc. And that leads to contextual differences, perhaps physical, such as different amounts of cloud cover, recent rain, wind, some sort of epiphyte growing on it etc. And then their are the contextual differences created by the viewer- one is never the same on any time one passes the tree, always there is some difference of some sort in one's mind. Thus, you never look on the same thing twice. Just a thought that I found nice.
I say to all: stop blaming everyone else! I'm thinking of certain people here mainly, people that don't read this that are extremes in the area of blaming others. My friends are not so bad. But still, I say that blaming others might come easily, seem like an easy option, but it does not help the self at all, and it breeds hostility in those around. One can only really blame oneself for anything. I have this thought that because of the whole context of everything, though, that no one can truely be blamed. But if someone must be it should be yourself, but not the degree of sillyness and hating self. It's a difficult issue. But take responsibility when it is due! For example, the extreme case of my father who the other day blamed me that he forgot to get on eof the boxes out of the car, as is I was supposed to somehow know exactly what he wanted. That's extreme, but still.
I had a dream a few nights ago that we were in the car, mum and I with Jeff driving, and due to his silly driving we ended up sort of tettering of the edge of a cliff thing for a number of seconds. Then we fell. But I was quite calm. The car was sort of just driving along down this really steep slope and I just went with it, like surfing, or horseriding, I just went with it calmly. I was a bit exited, but not terribly afraid or anything. Just surrendered. I've never had a dream like that before!
I just tried to publish this and it didn't work! Thank god I decided to save it first, just in case :)
I think that's about all I wanted to say. This has been a long entry.
Night night to all. Sweet dreams. I love you all :)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Life is too short for that

"As pretty as a song
A song could ever be
Like Christmas on a river
Without a boat or Christmas tree
This afternoon with you was something like a letter
The kind that someone writes but never sends
And when you look at me like that
I know someday it's gonna end
And when you get old
I bet you miss your friends

As angry as a breeze
Tuggin' hard upon the sails
I've veen moving through these streets forever
From Baltimore to Amsterdam
These things inside me, they repeat like broken records
Spinning pretty somethings behind my eyes
And when I can't look at you
I can paint your picture perfectly in my mind
And when I get old
I'm gonna miss you all the time

That wind up in the trees
Scattering bluebirds all over the place
Shufflin' children into piles of leaves
I wish I was the wind
I'd touch your face
This afternoon with you was something like a letter
The kind that someone writes but never sends
And when you're good to me
It makes me blue because someday
It's gonna end
And when we pass on
I bet you miss your friends"

Friday, October 21, 2005

Here is a short story regarding 'inner journeys' for English. It started off with some hope, but then I got lazy and it degenerated from there...Pretty crap and cliche and lame, but oh well. I would like feedback. Take care.
It was a chilly day, overcast, monotonous grey. She pulled on an old green knitted jumper picked off the top of a pile of clothes and ventured outside, hands in pockets, walking down the street, watching the pavement slide by, not looking up to smile at those she did pass or chance a glance at the sky, as if she had some place to be.
She didn’t. Not really. Everyone is always thinking, pretending, they have some place to be. Always too busy to be courteous, to watch the clouds float on high, to lay back and smell the roses. Perpetual motion. Oppressed emotion.
One foot in front of the other, again and again, seemingly empty steps as her thoughts flitted from longing, to superficiality, and back again, back and forth, back and forth, always quickly forgotten, discarded like an old worn out shoe, or last Sunday’s sermon.
She quickened her pace to a jog. Black leggings, green knitted jumper, overly bright new white shoes, red hair trailing in the wind. Things moved by faster, she thought less; it nearly satisfied. She wished she had brought music to fill the gaps, though, the gaps that would appear in the night sky when she gazed at it so that, seeing too much of herself, she had to look away, go watch whatever was on TV.
Passing a wall covered in graffiti she caught sight of a fragment of the writings there:

And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps

She dismissed them, of course, as unimportant, inconsequential. Those sorts of things.
On she ran. Turning a corner she espied a park and decided she would stop there, see if she could get a drink, catch her breath. Sitting down on a bench, her mind began to wander, surveying the place in which she found herself. Soon a feeling crept up on her, one of familiarity, as if she had been here before in some distant time of misty memory just out of reach. She felt something gradually come over her that she could not remember feeling before, but knew she had, something indescribable. It made the world around her appear magical in a way it had not for many years. She saw the dandelions poking through the spiky, rain-deprived grass not merely as weeds, but delicate, beautiful entities in their own right, reflecting the brilliance of the sun and the determination of life. And as for the drab, monotonous clouds, they too took on a new life, not monotonous at all, but a myriad of different forms and textures, all unique and beautiful. She gazed around her with the awe of one given such new sight, one offered the gift of purpose and hope in a world formerly nearly devoid of such things, and simply sat there in wonder for a while.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she let them flow down her cheeks and onto the parched earth. She curled up and, hugging her legs, let a whole lifetime of tears finally stream forth as a loud clap of thunder signalled the sudden coming of rain.
When she finally looked out upon the world again, night had fallen. The rain had stopped and the world was glistening as the streetlights were reflected in the shroud of water that covered the ground. She listened to droplets fall from the trees around, and she felt a new sense of meaning to life and an ability to actually feel what she felt. She did not know why it was she had such a feeling of intense emotion connected with this place, but that was something to think about later, now she just wanted to dive into life, explore the new horizons open to her. The words that she had read earlier came back to her infused with new meaning (the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls) as she stood looking down the road that stretched out ahead of her.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Life is not a trial run

I could take it as interesting that that was said in relation to the hsc. I really don't want to do work at the moment. Seems like a waste of my time. Therefore, I need to learn to view it as just as important as other things, or just another part of life, or something that allows me to do it rather than constantly thinking I should be doing something because it's wasting my life.
I guess it is a part of life just as important as all the rest because it is. I am just afraid of losing myself in the perpetual motion, highly strung mindset of work and then ending up like all those others who can't sit still for ten minutes and just enjoy what's around them.

Anyway, life is not a trial run.

Love to all.

New experiences and new friends will enrich your life

So says a fortune cookie.

Without you today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterdays

Everything is great, and getting greater. Things are going so well for me. And I actually feel nowadays! Life is a nice thing.
I've nothing to write lately. I only wrote this, actually, for the sake of the title. Maybe I should just post a few titles...
Take care.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hello hello.
I'm going away today, up to Copacabana (copa copacabana) with my friends (which is on the central coast, around Avoca area if you din't know and desperately wanted to).
So I hope you all have muchos fun in my absence. I really do. You are great.
So bye. Take care.

Friday, September 30, 2005

My blog appears to be not working at the moment, so I thought I'd just post a little something and see what happened. Otherwise, I don't know. Maybe I'll just start a new one when I have the care to.

Haha, now it's working. Just needed a post, I guess.
Well, take care.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

My silly mother believes that it is impossible to have the same trust in a relationship with a bisexual person as with a straight person. Why? Because, obviously, they are far more likely to have affairs and the such. What the fuck. She holds this as blatantly obvious, logical truth, and would not hear otherwise. Some people *sigh*
In other news...Not much. How exiting.
Have fun, all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm back!

As suspected, I am back! That post was actually a catalyst for the renewal, combined with other things in my life.
So yeah.
Yesterday I woke up thinking that I was going to die last night. And I failed the test. I was just like shit, if I'm going to cease to exist there's not really any point in doing anything today. Also I sort of new that I wasn't going to, I was just reluctant to completely dismiss it in case it was true.
So, as far as I know, I'm alive and kicking today, and what a wonderful day it is!!!
I talked to Krister. I left a few of you a number of days ago thinking that I was wanting to dump him and all, but that was extreme thoughts, and I've changed and grown and all that jazz since. I told him how I'm not sure that I love him, which he already knew. Thankfully, he was in a mood he could handle that in. So we are still 'going out', but who knows what will happen in the future. We are 'transcendental friends', meaning that I guess we accept in us that which is in all relationships, for me at least - with anyone I like as a friends, I could just as well 'go out' with them. There isn't a line for me other than the socially imposed. Now you'll all think I want to go out with you all and hate me and ostracise me! Oh no! Nah, I have great friends who seem to understand all these things, and even feel the same way. It's odd, I guess, because most people would not be like that. Inconclusion, you guys are great and I'm glad you're in my life.
I tried to go to the drama practical stuff this morn, but Mrs Rowe would not let me. No pirate Krister and homosexuality for me :(
Good news! I decided my hating of self and view of life as pointless and all was disillusionment. So now I am no longer succumbing to disilliusionment, instead favouring possibility. Hooray!
I'm going to go now, I think. If I continue writing it will just turn into crap.
In a couple of days I'm completely free of work! Then what will I do? But I refuse to be lame and waste all my time. Speaking of which, the other day I identified that feeling that has pervaded my life, that cripples me so I don't do anything, that I have been trying to run away from. But I identified it and decided that one cannot go around things, or under or whatever, but you have to go through them. It's brilliant. Accept them, embrace them, only then can you move on. And that's what I did. And it took me only a mater of hours, or even hour, to change it. Because part of my anti-disillusionment was deciding that I can change things, if I don't like them, then change them. Simple as that. Of course it can be hard to change things. Old habits die hard. but it's worth it. And it took a far shorter time than anticipated. So now I shall no longer be crippled by silly feelings, but get off my restricted arse and do stuff! Hooray! It's a revolution!
I carried this over to my dad's. Because when I'm at dad's especially my "fluidity is forestalled" and I don't do anything and I end up feeling like shit. But this time it was different. So I did a lot of sitting when I perhaps should have been working, I even fucking watched three episodes of the OC because Alana was watching it and there was nowhere I could work (actually, in retrospect, I could have gone outside or something). But yeah, I did all that shit, but i didn't end up feeling like shit. I discovered I was a little restricted in myself by the end, but it was not as bad as usual. So hooray!
I'm going to go buy some stuff with which to make some sort of art in the holidays...I don't want to list all the stuff I shall do. Doesn't seem right. But I am going to make it great. Writing this seems bad. Why? Perhaps I know that I am not going to do the stuff I want. But I shall! I am determined at least to try it all out. If it doesn't work then fine, at least I tried and I know. Determined!
My love to you all!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Done and done

Lame lame lame. Who writes this shit? Honestly, this is the end of my blog for now.
I'll probably turn around and write something tomorrow. Woveda.
Seriously, it all sounds just so lame.
And my current modes of thinking I have no desire to blog, which explains the lack of posts.
If anyone checks this anymore, that is.
Ach, whenever I go to write here I just want to write whiney depressed things, particularly please be my friend things, or things that show everyone how great I am, which I have none of. So it's just the former, then.
Ach again! Please be my friend *whine whine whine*. What a loser. That's all this fucking blog is. How very sad.
I'm going to shut up now.
All the best to whomever reads this.
I hope to be able to send my love into the world somehow, if it even exists.
Night night, and fare thee well.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wow! an actual (sort of) story!

Two people stood alone together at the edge of the world.
In front of them and expanse of darkness. Behind, a jetty, faintly illuminated in the ligth of the stars, leading to... it does not matter.
The ocean, ever-moving , rolled in... and out... caressing the pillars of the jetty and the creatures that had taken refuge there.
Shifting phosphorescence from the ocean's depths, the rest a darkness of possibility.
In the darkness, all was transformed to formles beings of possibility.
The two gazed up at the sky. At the sparkling stars, at the shooting stars that left pale pink, pale blue, stardust in trails through the sky, slowly falling, shimmering faintly, down to earth. Some landed glittering upon the two, and they smiled at the gift. As the stardust met the ocean it became part of it, joining its enigmatic phosphorescent possibility.
The two shared a space, a time, with eachother, little troubled, only subconsciously aware of the faintly distinguishable shadows hovering around them, within them. Forms of swirling darkess with the occaisional flash of an eye of bright white, weaving in and out, through eachother.
As the two stood alone together at the edge of the world.
They looked as if they were holding hands, but they were not. They seemed to be in eachother's arms, but they were not, they just were, in themselves, and in eachother, and in the silhouettes that followed them.

There, some niceness, in my mind, perhaps not well expressed. Critiques are fun!
Love to you, readers and others.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I've been living in a dream land lately. And by that I don't mean that nothing's been real or anything. Quite the contrary, actually. I mean that my whole existence has been increasingly animated by dreams. Primarily, at the moment, dreams of the wonders of the holidays. I have great hopes for them, being my last no work extended period of time till after school.
I have been thinking that I guess al existence is animated by dreams for what can be, for what's to come. I'm not not sure if that's bad or not. I guess it's like that for everyone?
So great plans for the holidays! Really looking forward to them. Bit stupid really. Biding my time for the next few weeks until 'real' life starts. Then if I were to die 'real' life would never come. Torn, i am. If I'm going to die or something I want to be having lots of fun. But if I've got a while then I can afford to spend time doing work. That's life I guess. Just sets a bad precedent for the rest of life. Just end up like everyone else, waiting for retirement, then getting there and finding it's not so great after all because I'm too old and too accustomed to my life as it was.
Anywho. Wonderful dreams! And my mind increasingly giving way to lovely niceness.
So have a great time everyone! Love and hugs (which I seem not to actually give much of in real life, I know. Scared, I guess)! Muah muah.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I don't want to leave school. It means I'll have to go out into the world and take care of myself. I'll have to find a career, which is terrible, because there's nothing I want to do. My Mum is pushing for me to find something at the moment, but the only things I would do at uni don't actually lead to anything. So I'm terribly scared that I'm going to go into a career I don't like and end up hating it and and myself and wasting my life. And I realised that I'm sort of afraid of being mediocre. Silly thing to be afraid of, I know, but I am.
I just don't want to wind up regretting everything. I don't.
Mum thinks I should do journalism at the moment. I thought for a bit that that might be acceptable, but I just went and looked into it and I just found it abhorrent.
Perhaps I should just come to terms with all this shit and shed some of the things that stop me and just 'grow up'. But on the other hand I find that attitude so detestable. I don't know.
So in conclusion I just want to stay in school forever, stop time or something, so I don't have to choose. I'm afraid of choosing wrong.
I guess I'll just have to become a fabulous writer.
Yeah, I haven't posted anything in quite a while. Nothing to post really. Nothing that feels right to write on here.
Dreams are all we have.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"I'm looking for a song to sing, I'm looking for a friend to borrow, I'm looking fro my radio so I might find a heart to follow..."

I've had nothing to post recently, so there's no point in writing this. Meah.
The last little while has been realy great. Today no so great; feeling very weird and pointless. But before was magical!
Marikon came to visit today. She makes me sad. For some reason I seem to care about her a lot. I mean, more than I do about others. Carla, too. I don't know why. There was a time I even thought that I loved Carla, as in loved loved. Just the way things are, I guess. It's funny, they're two people that seem so inaccessable to me, even if I try.
This is fool talk. I don't actually have anything to say, except the world can be so great!
So bye then :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let's say I mysteriously went missing once upon a time. No one would care after, say, a month (except, of course, Krister). I know that's a stupid, insecure, grabbing for attention, lameass thing to say, but nevertheless, it's true.
Now, o' course, this fact is the fault of nobody but myself, I am quite aware. It still sicks, though.
Wouldn't it sometimes be nice to be an ignorant fool and blame everyone else! How much easier. But far worse in the long term. Foolish thoughts.
(And just so it is clarified, I have absolutely no intention of mysteriously disappearing at this present time.)
But I'm not really depressed about it, although it may seem. It's more the implications of that that can be a bit upsetting. ie. not having friends to such a degree.
At least there is someone for me, though. For many others there is no one.
And the world is a beautiful and magical place, so I hope everyone is having fun!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

To love, to feel, to experience, to live, but not to possess. Is there any truth in that, any way thta it can be so? Is it even important? Is making art and the such not just an attempt to possess? Is wanting to be with someone forever a desire to possess, in a way? Is it wrong to do these things?

Can I love or like someone without having to possess them? Can I write or make art without it being an act of possession of a moment, a feeling?

Again, is any of this even important?

I don't know.

To relinquish possession and just live, appreciate what you feel without having to physically immortalise it.
Maybe I'm a fool. Human nature seems to be to possess, after all.
But to let go and just live.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Kobes is lame. Still a bit intrigued in a way, but he's right up there with the lamos, as much as I have tried to think he's different. Although, just because people are that sort doesn't make them bad. That's my old thought patterns talking, the ones that don't like his sort. But you know, I guess I'm sort of over him in a way. And not. Who cares. In conclusion he is part of those people that I have in the past decided not to like, and that's the way it is. I just keep going around in circles with my thoughts here- he's lame; but the lame people arn't so lame as I have said, they still have just as much value; therefore he's not that bad; and he seems to be different in some ways, a good person, and has qualities that I like; but he's still part of those sorts in the way he acts generally...
I doesn't really matter much to me anymore. He will always just be fictional Kobes of my mind.
You know, it's a terrible paradox with Annelise: it seems that the only thing that really helps her, that gives any hope at the moment, is lithium, yet it is particularly sensitive, and involes her not throwing up, but that is something that is very hard to do. It's quite ironic, the way life works out.
With Mariko having been in Concorde and now moved to Northside she must have tried tokill herself, or at least really hurt herself. And getting ECT now. She's far worse than I thought, although I guess I suspected.
But you know, it's silly with all this medical diagnosis stuff. As soon as something is labelled as a disease it changes the way one perceives it, making it more of something that is just chemicals not at all to do with the parson and their surroundings, and can only be helped by drugs and stuff. But when it's not diagnosed one perceives it as more able to be helped, and less the fault of the environment and all that, and not so apathetic thinking that you can do nothing. Which is silly, because really, if looked at in the annoying scientific way, it's all chemical, diagnosed or not, and no one can really be blamed or anything because it's just the way things are. I don't like science- it makes everything seem so hopeless and lifeless and not magical. I like a magical world! Damn science!
I had a dream just before I woke up this morning which was the police aftermath of Dad having dismembered Irene (his girlfriend). Not just dismembered, but completely cut up into lots of pieces. It began with me sort of fading into a conversation- an officer had fainted because it was so gross. And Dad had left some devious trap that I don't remember now. And also there was her head made out of glass that turned up in the back pocket of one of the police, face set in a scream. And it got smashed, I think.
So as you can tell I think very highly of that man.
Hanson is great!
Have a great time! Many perfect hugs to you, of the sort that only turn out properly in the mind. G'night.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I keep feeling like something exiting is about to happen, but it never does... Maybe I'm just crazy.
And I keep feeling that there's some reason for me to go and the net, and I do and there's not.
I had a breakthrough of sorts last night. I've recently been trying to change the way that my mind seems to erase feelings when it focuses on them, and then last night I was listening to good ol' Hanson and all of a sudden I could focus of feelings and feel them at the same time! Woah! So that's all cool.
And that's all I've got to say. I'm lookign froward to doing something, to that exiting thing that's coming up... maybe I'm just a bit hyper. Anywho.
Hope you're all having a fun day!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Today I repaired the necklace/bracelet that Bob gave me. It broke in France, and I decided not to repair it; I hadn't been wearing it anyway. But I fixed it tonight and now I am wearing it.
I have a dilemma, the likes of which I and everyone else goes through all the time. And that is the battle between doing work you feel you should do and living for today ina way that will make you happy now, and probably later, at least have less regrets, but won't help financial security in the future, which is so important to everyone, or satify those feeling of "I should do it...because". You think, well I could just work now and do the other stuff some other time, because there's no time limit on that. But what if there is? And isn't happiness and fulfillment what we should be concentrating. Of course, no conclusion will be reached, just a never-ending debate, and seeking to find a balance and place limitations on the heart.
You know, my ideal relationship at the moment is one that's mostly a friendship, but has elements of a relationship- the physical side, and the closeness and all. Which is me just dreaming of running away from all difficulties, really, placing my hope in something which does not exist, as such. I don't want to be owned. And I don't want to own. But it seems inevitable, perhaps natural, that those feelings will come. And I want complete fulfillment without any catches.
It all seems so wrong now that I'm typing it.
I'm happy, but I want more. That's the way of life. Striving for an ever-elusive perfection. Does it exist? I don't know. Perhaps reincarnation is the path, and we'll never be fulfilled in this life, probably, only in many many more to come. Which is why one needn't worry that much about some thing. Who knows. I'm tired.
I love the churches in France, because they're so beautiful, and always open.
I discovered love at the first I went to, which was only briefly. Then we went to Sacre Coeur and it was good. No word seems to fit right now. As soon as we walked in it was amazing. To me, Christianity is love. My Christianity, the one without all the gayness. All these churches and cathedrals and all the stuff in them, all the art, everything, is grown from love. That is why my favourite of the idols were the statues that looked upon us in love - some of those of Mary, Jesus, and some f the saints. Love. I lit a candle there, origianlly for Krister, but it branched out into being for everyone, for love. I wanted to kneel down as you do, but then I felt I shouldn't with my family around because I had an image to keep up and didn't want to explain. Silly. I climbed to the top (274 stairs) for love, and went down into the crypt for love. When we went to Notre Dame I felt the same divine love. I really like the crucifix they had there- centre front, glowing gold. It was not death, or suffering, but love. And in the cliche way, I cried. I blessed myself with holy water. A service started while we were there, and the music was beautiful. And later when we left the outside was so beautiful. I love it when the rays of sunshine can be seen becaus eof the clouds being in front of the sun. I was so happy, so pure.
It all sounds so cliched, but it was wonderful.
France was great.
Home is great to, but different.
It was great.
I want to write something wonderful to leave you with, but I got nothing.
Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Where's the line between thinking you love someone because of how they make you feel, what they do for you, and actually loving someone?
I was looking back over Jared's process diary because I felt like it and found an entry I don't think I had read before in whihc I was described as "the elegant and ever tasteful Kristina". Ha! Certainly an odd thing to say, especially at that point when we had hardly talked at all. So either it is all lies, or an unexpected impression. And if genuine, I wonder how it has evolved until now.
I'm in a mood of sorts. Looking for fantasy and niceness and ... something.
I'm wanting someone to sign in that is good to type to. I want Bob to because I want to ask her something.
Blah di blah blah blah.
Talking to someone who i thought would be Kobes but perhaps isn't. Someone claiming to be a stalker. Whoever they are, they're probably off their damn face. But they knew my name. Who could it be? but I wanted to joke around anyway because I want a distraction and I'm lonely and bored. I think I would like to be out partying it up and having lots of fun with me friends. Oh well. This will have to do.
Something something. This is really worthwhile typing.
I'm bored. Ha! What a silly girl I am. Sigh.
So, something entertaining, even funny, ay. .... Nope, nothing. Boring boring. All I ever have to write is serious stuff, either depressed-like or happy-like, but mostly the former, I guess.
I want to go outside, but I fear I can't. That so should not be a reason.
Alana is watchign the Lizzie Maguire Movie. Woot for her.
"I am not what I am" Shakespeare is so eternal. Don't we all love him.
I don't like him all that much. There are far better things out there for me to read.
I finished going through and 'deconstructing' Catcher in the Rye. I didn't get it at all the first time, but this time I did, with a little help from research. The first time I read it I could identify with good old Holden Caulfield in some ways, I agreed with some things he thought, sympasthised with others, and completely missed the point. Then I decided that i had been very much ostracising myself from society by objecting to everything, adopted as a sort of anthem a song by Tori Amos that goes "when I come to terms, to terms with this, when I come to terms with this. When I come to terms, to terms with this, my world will change for me", and decided to change my view and accept and enjoy society. So the second time I read it I noticed similar thinking between Holden and previous me and actually got the point. According to J. D. Salinger I used to be incredibly immature. Remember, just because one person believes something doesn't make it true. That's something I've been having to remind myself lately. I always sort of thought that if something was written and all it must be true. I knew it wasn't, but you know. Jared has helped me with that, because I wanted to purge myself of the incredibly lame amount of affect he had on me, thinking that what he thought was what I should think and all. It took being practically alone in a foreign country to find myself in that way (and many others which I am losing now. It was great, but gone). Yeah.
I did develop quite a sense of self over there towrads the end. In a way. I don't know.
Jared as been the biggest case of letting other poeple under my skin too much to date, but other people have been nearish. Like my friends in general. And Bob. And Lenny. These are things that I oddly hardly seem to remember now.
Bob and Jared used to make me hate myself. Used to meaning before the holidays. Make me hate myself meaning make me make myself see myself through my interpretation of their eyes. but that has been lessened by not being so affected in that way and by listening to what I come out with and thinking more about it. Because I used to say shit I didn't mean as if it were my opinion when it wasn't and it would sound terrible and I would hate myself and this is very much rambling on and a nearing nonsensical way. Oh well.
In conclusion, I'm disclosing some things in a cop-out kind of way. I hope no one hates me. I almost hate myself. Ha! Nah, not really, it's just lame. I want friends! Hahahahahahaha. Sad weird little me. Ach, I should stop now. Sorry I don't say these things actually to poeple. I don't know. Apologising just came to mind. I'm so lost. Woveda.
Peace out. Love you all, even though I'm weird. Night night :) Love!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I might just lay here and dream my life away

The full moon casts a light, soft but bright, on all beneath it it in a world of night.
Given from the sun as an offering whilst he cannot be around, it is different to that light of the day. Taken into the moon and reflected as soft silvery white mist, the city thus takes on an entirely different quality, one of dreams and stardust and magic.
The moon is reflected in the eye of one who gazes to it for answers to unknown questions. This one is a stranger to the night, until now a follower of the day. But she has tired of the harsh light, the heat of the sun, and turns to a new companion for new experience, new life, hoping that here she may find something...
A tiny flash of light falls from a face of soft white and shatters as it hits the ground. Another and another until there is a patch of tear-stained ground beneath a head hung low, cradled in two hands, that has lost something never again to be found...
In a mirror shines the silver round eye of the night. A twisted face scorns the light. Hands gripping, pulling at hair. Mad with despair, an object is flung, a smash is heard, a tinkle of glass, and silence. Silence, but for the whimper as of a child. Seven years bad luck, and a million eyes on the ground...

There, an attempt at something that could be far better given more time. And perhaps should be a poem.
Love to you all :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Here with my eyes closed missing the circus that goes by

You know, I realised that my telling poeple certain things because of a belief in honesty (for example, Kobes) perhaps is actually just a facade for my true intent: reaching out to poeple, looking for a friend. That way I can pretend to expect rejection but not care so much as if I were just rejected in a normal friend way; and I don't need to be completely honest with them; I'm impatient, wanting immediate results; and I may hopefully draw them in with how I'm so special and different; and I have a justification; and I can mask my fear in something else.
An over analysis, I'm sure.
I guess there are always other motives like that behind things. But I seem to think it's important at the moment to strip away until I find my true self. But hidden in amongst all the trying to get rid of lies is probably just more lies.
Blah blah blah. I think too much. So basically it's all lies, although that word perhaps has connotations which are too harsh.
"I was at once simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life."
I have a big feeling of inadequecy, whilst simultaneously hving this 'superiority complex'. Crazy crazy people. I swear, it's so very like I have multiple personalities in a way; how can I think so many contradictory things?
This afternoon I saw Kobes and was shaken by it more then I have been in a while.
Then I went into an analysing myself thing, which developed into such a sadness at the renewed apprehension of the sense of longing and loss that pervades all existence. All. It lurks in memory, in the silence, in the spaces in between. We are dictated by this longing, very often manifesting itself in nostalgia. Nostalgia, when all we want is fulfillment in the present. Life is so much just the whispy hours of a dream, there, and then at once gone, faded into the misty, soft focus realms of what once was and will never be again. A vague feeling, the echo of a thought, a look, a word, a glimpse of a face, or the way a body moves. Memory. Animating the idle hours in pain, grief, warmth, love, loss.
Things seem so endless, so pointless.
But even while I was walking to work, feeling such loss, my awareness of the beauty of nature about me (and the coldness of the buldings) was heightened, and I was able to smile slightly. And it gradually faded from being all doom and gloom to having some hope, at least in a real beauty.
So there.
Friends are my favourite distraction at the moment. They do cause me grief sometimes. Or rather, I cause myself grief over them. Friends are a pretty recent discovery of mine. I always wanted them, of course, but never really had them. I have them more now than ever before in my loner life. Still not quite there, but that's me. Afraid little me.
I'm losing track of what I'm typing now.
Perhaps people are learning more about me than they ever thought here. Not that many poeple read it.
I don't know. Losing myself.
Goodnight to you all :) Love to you.
It's funny; one day I'll be dominated by a particular thought or idea or whatever that seems it will continue forever, the next day will be a transition, and the following it will start again with something new. Sometimes the cycle is quicker than that, other times slower but feels quicker. But it always seems to lead me back to nothing. Not a good nothing, but a this is all worthless nothing.
Went and saw a year twelve girl's installation this afternoon. It was beautiful. Fragments, misty memories, childhood.
It left me with such a nothingness, a bad sort of nothingness, and thus furthered some thinking that I have been doing today.
Maybe I'm trying to be somebody I'm not.
Perhaps that's the reason that all my ideas for art or writing or whatever are completely unoriginal in any way, because they're somebody else's that I'm trying to steal to give my life meaning. Maybe that's why things don't feel like they fit, I don't seem to fit into my world as I am, only as I try to be. And that somebody I'm trying to be is influenced consciously a lot at the moment by a whole group of ideas that sort of revolve around my perception of Jared (a confession!).
Or maybe it just doesn't properly fit because it's not what I'm used to. Because it seems that nothing of what anyone could call substance seems to really fit. But then that's what my life up until very recently has been, so I don't know.
So perhaps I should still go with it, after all everything is important and creates who we are, and it's just a matter of adjustment.
On another matter, I don't see how anything can be not selfish. I guess that makes me a very selfish person. But whatever one does has to be for the self in some way, surely? But maybe I just turn around and manipulate that, almost justifying my selfishness.
And it makes me think that perhaps I can never really love, in the way that poeple say love should be. Because I'm just too selfish.
But surely anyone must like someone for the feeling they give them?
I hope I'm wrong though. It's a scarey thought that perhaps I could never really love...
I have to go now.
See you all some time.
And love (whatever that is) to you all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I awoke early this morning.
I lay there tossing and turning, as the saying goes, for a time ("thought I'd be friends with time"). Something was not quite right, as such. I was thinking, perhaps stressing, about I'm not sure what (although I discovered something good: I don't think I'd been grinding my teeth). My insticts have been crazy lately. They were better for a while, but they have been very recently not so great. Or rather, they were fine, I've just been having trouble listening. I now can hardly use my mind at all without crushing instincts and feelings, but I does adhere to them more. So, as I was typing, I felt really odd.
Eventually I arose from my warm bed, dressed, and went outside to find the answers in the "Goddess" (for such was my line of thinking because of recent readings) or in nature, and the spirit (there was also another motive here, to do with mixed up insticts, whihc I choose not to go into).
I took off my shoes to feel the Earth. I walked out the front. I decided to take those little things- bits of wood cut in odd curvy shapes- that had been left on the fence, along with a navy blue scarf, on Saturday night, and see if I could fit them together.
After a little bit of playing I became paranoid that they might be some sort of "black magic" trap, like something Necronmocronicron (I don't actually remember the proper word) ish. So I threw them away and hoped I wasn't cursed. It makes perfect sense in the world of movies.
I realised I was sitting next to the council cleanup pile, like the rubbish I must obviously be.
But here is my original intention.
In the East was the dawn, confined to its srtip of space for now because of the cloudcover. Beautiful glowing orange to yellow, fading, changing, growing.
And to the East was the night. The Moon was still visible through the clouds, and below them was the dark sky.
Torn between night and day, I could not choose which to stay with, for I could not have both at once. Each beautiful, which it's own connotations- new life, hope, rest, peace, the Goddess, the God. I could not choose. I thought there might be a feeling drawing me towards night, but then the thought that sunrise equals hope. That is what comes of reading too much of contradicting beliefs and finding it hard to trust your own self.
Of course, the night was receeding to a memory as the Sun was creeping up, gradually lighting the night by infintitesimal degrees, until you realise the clouds have become a glowing pinky-orange; and then all night is gone and it is day, so what does it matter now?
Good day to you all.