Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let's say I mysteriously went missing once upon a time. No one would care after, say, a month (except, of course, Krister). I know that's a stupid, insecure, grabbing for attention, lameass thing to say, but nevertheless, it's true.
Now, o' course, this fact is the fault of nobody but myself, I am quite aware. It still sicks, though.
Wouldn't it sometimes be nice to be an ignorant fool and blame everyone else! How much easier. But far worse in the long term. Foolish thoughts.
(And just so it is clarified, I have absolutely no intention of mysteriously disappearing at this present time.)
But I'm not really depressed about it, although it may seem. It's more the implications of that that can be a bit upsetting. ie. not having friends to such a degree.
At least there is someone for me, though. For many others there is no one.
And the world is a beautiful and magical place, so I hope everyone is having fun!


Anonymous said...

I share that pain.......

Anonymous said...

This is a post I can actually write a comment for. What you said is wrong! wrong wrong wrong! Do you seriously think that after a month no one would miss you? Think about christmas holidays, I miss everyone because we hardly do anything for those 5 weeks. Not only would I care about you not being there, but so would everyone in our group AND your fam AND your other pals. I'm not just saying that to make you feel better, its true. So, in conclusion, don't disappear and if you do, people WILL care about you being gone for much, much longer than a month.

Anonymous said...

People often say they care. Its a lie, Usually. People take a moments notice, are distracted, and then you are gone from their thoughts

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

It's true sometimes it's a lie when they say they care, either because they think they do, or because they want to make you feel better. But you can't blame people for the way they are. no point housing bitterness about it because it just hurts you. I know it sucks, but it's just the way things are.