Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I love the way the fallen bouganvillea flowers in the yard next door dance around each other on the breeze. Sometimes just one at a time, sometimes two, sometimes more. Sometimes it takes a second to realise they're dead flowers rather than butterflies.

I love the infinite possibility of life, and how the closer you look, the more you can see.

Birds at sunset are like fish. They fly level and are just sort of dark, then briefly turn on their sides slightly towards the west and reflect a flash of light.

Who needs the minimalist idols of Malevich and the Suprematists when you have the light thrown on the walls?

I love planes. Aeroplanes, that is. Especially when they look exactly like the ones in quantas adds. I love quantas adds, the feeling the evoke. It's so cool how even when planes are so far away you can still hear the distant roar of them. I saw a one from an angle I never have before. I was looking out the window, and one flew directly overhead, so that as it got further away it was almost like those birds you draw when you're young, just thin lines in the sky.

I love the sky. It is constantly changing, and always amazing. Like how they say "you never step in the same river twice", you never look at the same sky twice. And it is so deceptive. It pretends to be this solid ceiling above us, yet in reality it stretches out into infinity.

If you are the ultimate centre of your universe, responsible for everything that happens in your life, then you're not seeing clearly. How can anything be you, when it has taken absolutely EVERYTHING that has ever been for things to happen as they do?

"i appreciate the opportunity to travel, to ramble,
to be wrong as much as i'm right,
to be bored as much as i'm entertained,
and lonely as often as i'm in love
--mother and father, child and God.

"well i ain't got no worries cause i ain't in no hurry...
just kickin ass off the plate God chose to feed me on.

"a happy song to the one i love--
the one i love in the road in my mind
as i travel on what i dream--
and to that still undecided whether to be or not,
to arrive or to be fuel for what arrives next
as it passes on.

"if you trust me i can help you heal yourself--
to find Freedom, Wisdom, and Love.
i know im riding but i dont know to where.

got any worms?"

I love you all in a way that verbalising that phrase does not do justice. In my head, love is the only way to put it, yet when I say it out loud it doesn't seem quite right.
Take care of yourselves :)
Sleep tight.

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