Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"We're lost, but we're making great time!"

"unlimited, eternal and infinite Opportunity exists all around us.
to look it in the eye can actually be quite scary.
a giant pile of dominoes, waiting to be stacked--
to be re-created, transformed into something new--
only to be knocked over in the end.

"can there really be art for art's sake?
coulld YOU really do it?
could you give all of yourself to some endeavor--
attempt to manifest your Inside out into the world--
and then, having found your Self at last,
give it a toss into the fire?

"life is the universe, painting it's self-portrait.

"the beauty of it, and yet also a sort of tragedy,
is that your Great Work will never be done.
there will always be something else to add.

"Creation will exist for eternity.
It will do so because it has no choice.
It may wander for as long as it desires, but in the end,
Existence is what you arrive at,
no matter which path you choose to walk.

"love it, fight it, use it or abuse it--
no matter what, your Being will not forsake you.
it will wait for you on the highest peak,
and walk with you through the darkest depths of Negation.

"always, always, always,
somewhere present within you,
you posess the blueprint for your Highest Goal.
somewhere, shrouded in vague memories and dreams,
you have an awareness of What You Came Here For.

"to put it another way: you will always be Loved. get used to it.
like it or not, you're stuck with your Self,
and in the end you answer to You and your Self alone.

"in awareness of that, do with Existence what you will.
you are perfectly Free to create your own world.
in fact, you've already done so, even if you've yet been unaware.

"you, reader, are just like me--
a witness, an exploring child--
a seeker, stopped dead in your tracks,
by a brief glimpse of the Light.

"listen to me. this is Truth.
it is not mine and i did not come up with it.
it simply is. that is, it exists because that is its essence.
it's source is the balance between Darkness and Light.

"so here's some words i found etched in a stone that was buried under some ground,
or something i heard a bird say, or something taped to a brick,
then thrown through my front window.


"nothing happens by coincidence, and chance does not operate in any world,
so i read these words and wonder about them for awhile.
i don't think i understand them, or know if i believe them,
but i just wouldn't feel right if i didn't pass them along.

"i'm not looking for answers, I just have some questions I'd like to ask

".... so much babble ... hours spent trying to make thought into word ... what's the gain? i dunno. it's daylight, i've got work tomorrow, and i should probably go to bed. but what of these words? do i like them? am i proud of them? could they have come at another time? i would hope so, but i'll admit i'm not so sure. regardless, when it comes down to it, what have i got to lose?

"here's those words:

"everything you see, and feel and hear and touch,
are the result of your own Creation.
there are no victims or villains in this world.



Anonymous said...

how do you feel these days compared to a few months ago, just curious...

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Ummm, well, I feel far happier, more content in a way, more able to enjoy things and learn from them. Also, slightly less self-centred. Ummm... Oh yes, much more hopeful that things will be alright and work out and that perhaps somewhere there is a point, or at least I'm willing to have faith. also, more faith in humanity as a whole. And I feel much more loved. And yeah, I could perhaps go on a bit, but I shan't.
Take care.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

By the way, you wouldn't by any chance happen to be Krister in disguise would you? Thought just occured to me.

Anonymous said...

No. I am not Krister. However, it would be an interesting experience, and enough of one not to waste time commenting on a blog, i am sure

Anonymous said...

Coincidently, I'm not krister Either. And yet i'm not the guy right above this comment. I should adopt a pseudonym or something of the like so i am differentiated from the others.
But i guess in a way, this is cool. Like we're part of the matrix, all as one. Makes me feel rather conformed.

Krisswampthing said...

Hehhehehe, All these people who could of been me. I feel important now, with all these supposed imposters.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Hehehehe. Well I was wrong about my sneaking suspicion then. Sorry!
It is sort of cool having all these anonymous people, you never know if they're new or have commented before or anything. It is somewhat exiting and intriguing, actually! And it leaves room for all sorts of interesting philosophical thought, hehehe.