Thursday, November 24, 2005

A cutesy little poem of sorts :)

Will you be my friend?
There are so many reasons why you never should:
I'm sometimes sullen, often shy, acutely sensitive,
My fear erupts as anger, I find it hard to give,
I talk about myself when I'm afraid
And often spend a day without anything to say.
But I will make you laugh
And love you quite a bit
And hold you when you're sad.
I cry a little almost every day
Because I'm more caring than the strangers ever know,
And, if at times, I show my tender side
(The soft and warmer part I hide)
I wonder,
Will you be my friend?
A friend
Who far beyond the feebleness of any vow or tie
Will touch the secret place where I am really I,
To know the pain of lips that plead and eyes that weep,
Who will not run away when you find me in the street
Alone and lying mangled by my quota of defeats
But will stop and stay - to tell me of another day
When I was beautiful.

Will you be my friend?
There are so many reasons why you never should:
Often I'm too serious, seldom predictably the same,
Sometimes cold and distant, probably I'll always change.
I bluster and brag, seek attention like a child.
I brood and pout, my anger can be wild,
But I will make you laugh
And love you quite a bit
And be near when you're afraid.
I shake a little almost every day
Because I'm more frightened than the strangers ever know
And if at times I show my trembling side
(The anxious, fearful part I hide)
I wonder,Will you be my friend?
A friend
who, When I fear your closeness, feels me push away
And stubbornly will stay to share what's left on such a day,
Who, when no one knows my name or calls me on the phone,
When there's no concern for me - what I have or haven't done -
And those I've helped and counted on have, oh so deftly, run,
Who, when there's nothing left but me, stripped of charm and subtlety,
Will nonetheless remain.

Will you be my friend?
For no reason that
I knowExcept I want you so.

by James Kavanaugh


Anonymous said...

Very delightful poem. I ask, because you've obviously posted with some intent, Why this poem now?

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

hehehe. Damn anonymous commenters. I ask, why can't they just leave some sort of name? hehehe
that poem now, since you insist on probing, is simply because i read it and thought it was nice, and then decided to post it on my blog because i like people and i love my friends :)

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

and i guess i would have to admit that it is a bit of a message :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we don't wish to leave names because our blog is our own, and as long as it remains hidden in the millions of others, we'll be happy. Or perhaps we don't wish you in particular to come to us, as its a single comment. Or maybe its just extending the role of a voyuer, who wants to break the 4th wall and question?

Regardless, i digress, The poem is a message? well that was a little obvious. I was more interested in your.... well the way you were thinking, whats made you put it up there, and how it relates.

Thats all from me for now.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

You needn't leave your blog name thing. It doesn't really matter. It's intruiging, wondering if they're all the same person, or if none of them are, or which ones are.
Well, it was hardly a message really because my life is working out great now. I guess it was more indicative of just a love for people, an expression of that.

Anonymous said...

Well these anonymous ones, as well as the ones on your recent entry with sabrina, are all currently me. I'm sure that the way i write, makes that relativly clear, but i do guess that others could easy be like me. Would you like me to assign a name to myself?

As far as love for people, Are you refering to people as in singular, plural or global sense? You love people, as in seperate persons? or you love a group of people? or love people as they generally are?

If its either of the latter, then I question, is that love equal or stronger to some than others?

I may already know these answers if i actually read your previous entries, but they tend to look long so i'm avoiding it.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Nah, you needn't give yourself a name. It's your decision. I don't mind.
I love people in general, is what I mean. Of course, there are those I love more than others, but I think it's because of seeing in them the wonderful things that ar in everyone, I just happen to be around them more. But there are of course people I naturally click with more.

Anonymous said...

Clikcing with somebody, in my experience, is no where near any link to love. Often i have loved those who i click least with.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

I recently have come to think that there is divinity, or wonderfulness, or whatever you want to say, in everyone. When you love them it is because you see it, and your view of it onften becomes less obscured, when you click with someone, but i guess the use of that particular term is a bit generalised. Yeah, it is. That's just one of the instances that would reveal their inner wonderfulness.
Or perhaps, as is quite possible, I am being rather naive and pretending to knkow that which I haven't really experienced, or have only just begun to experience.
Tell me, as perhaps you're older/more experienced, what is your view on the matter?

Anonymous said...

As a 28 year old, I would definately hope to have a little more experience, concidering your profile says your 16.

My thoughts? You can love anybody, yes. Not even due to the fact that everyone has wonderfulnes inside them. Some people are unhappily devoid of nice things, while others ncie aspects are different. Others have their good atributes skewed by their community. The fact is, you can love anybody. Just depends on you, that person and the way you are introduced, how the relationship's grounding is laid.

As a side note, even though you could love everyone in the world. You could see the wonderful-things that you see, in everyone. You won't. And the chances of you finding someone you love, that truely loves you, is slim.

You speak of the love of your friends. Is there a love of a love? (or several loves for that matter?). I just ask as a contrast to the love of friends, of that of a partner, if thats capable for you in this state of your life.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

I don't think I've experienced 'romantic love'.
Interesting you bring that up, though, because I just pretty much broke up with my boyfriend after finally gathering the courage to admit and accept that I don't think I want to be with him in that way. Took me many months to finally do it, but I did just the other day (which is also why I was sad before).
But I think that "love of a love" is possible at my age, at least from what it would seem with one of my friends and, unfortunately, in my now ex boyfriend

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

And I'm not really sure about the whole love thing yet anyway... I guess I shall just have to live and experience and find and learn. No rush, as long as I am really living, which I've recently learnt to do! Huzzah for life!
mmmmmm, enough about me

Anonymous said...

I think that romantic love can be possible at any age. Its just that people change far to much between their birth and years till their twenties its hard to love the same person (as they change, they weren't the person they were).

And i'm sure that you will find, as your get older, that there will be a rush. People tend to get caught up in their lives, and start forgetting about love until our society believes its too late. Most people go into their panic rush moments of finding a partner, as they go through life, forget again, and so forth.

Krisswampthing said...

You didn't tell me you felt that way......

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Yes indeed, sometimes I'm afraid that i won't have anyone and then I'll just have to find whoever I can so that i can have children before it's too late...
But I don't want to do that, and I plan on not forgetting about the importance of love and people, and i think i'm miving in that direction

Anonymous said...

Moving in the direction of forgetting people?

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

no, of caring and loving

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I had first read this peom in a interpersonal communication book about 20 years ago, since then it has been a window into my soul...