Monday, December 12, 2005

I just wanted to mention something amazing that happened last night.
I was sittiing on my bed looking out the window as I do, in a bit of a troubled, confused mood, not sure what path to choose, and being a little sad, when a dark shape drifted through the night sky. I thought at first it might be a bat, but no, it didn't move like a bat. I stared at it, then realised that it was a plastic bag, carried on the wind, drifting on high, over rooftops in the middle of the night, just calmly wafting on overhead.
I was thinking about this and rejoicing somewhat, still looking out my window, when, to my surprise, a second one came along and drifted by. A second one!
Those who have seen American Beauty would have an idea what I'm on about. For those who haven't, basically the plastic bag in the wind, in the movie, is sort of a symbol of beauty and an underlying thing in everything that could be described as divinity if you're so inclined, or just an amazing enigma. It made the character realise that there was beauty all around, that things sort of communicate with eachother, with you, if you watch carefully, or it at least can be perceived as such, and that there is nothing to fear, ever.
Two within minutes of eachother (and it seemed they weren't the same one)! It was amazing.


Krisswampthing said...

What confusion and troubles were you having? And i thought you were at the Party eh?

Anyways, Why should the plastic bag act as a catalyst for these thoughts. If you believe, as our protagonist in AB, that there is beauty and divinity in everything, then surely there shouldn't be any difference between the Floating plastic bag and your dog running about the house, or the sway of a tree. These things are wonderful in themselves (I at least think so), and have such a strong degree of .... niceness about them.

I think mostly I'm trying to point out that it shouldn't just be the primary symbol from American Beauty, that starts these thoughts, if you can Truely apreciate the world.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Yes, that's true Krister. But often, especially in hard patches, one simply needs catalysts. They're just part of life. And it was after the part, silly.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

After the party, I mean