Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ha ha ha! I feel so stupid at the moment for all those things I've posted and said and thought. It's not always a barrel of wonderfulness. At the moment it just all seems pretty pointless again. The only things I really want to do is be with good friends and listen to music. They distract and invoke feeling. I like it.
And you know, everything I create - writing, art, whatever - just seems like lies. I really don't want to do my installation because it's lies. And I'm worried about my major works. Lies. I wonder if personal truth is possible in art. Perhpas it is for others, I wouldn't know, but for me it seems pretty impossible. I shall try and see. I don't like creating lies and pretending that there's some meaning to them.
Nothing to put here but mopeyness at the moment. Almost going back to my old blogging self in some ways. Old self. Of course I'm no new self, there is no old and new self. Whatever.
Well anyway, ciao.
Sleep well, whenever you do. Wake well too.

1 comment:

the ender said...

I think there is definite truth that can be found, but art is more a medium to express truth than a vehicle to find it. People usually say art is the expression of yourself. Well, that's true; art is the expression of the truth that is you. But you also have to keep in mind that if you don't know what you're expressing yet, it's ok to experiment too. I know when I was in highschool, I couldn't even tell you what I thought art meant, b/c I had no clue what any of it was. All I knew was that I was a decent drawer/sculptor and that's it. Things were a lot simpler then... now I rack my brains philosophizing the meaning of ping pong and goatcheese. Ah, thinking... it does so much, but does so little. What I mean by that is that sometimes, you just have to feel things out... feeling out for things that just doesn't feel good, but for things that feel right. When you finally find this, then you can you start your thinking process to verify what you've found as truth. If the two lines up just right, well, then that's when it's just right. It doesn't always happen this way, but it often does.

*J/k about the goatcheese, btw.