Thursday, November 24, 2005

Today Sabrina came up and hugged me, even though I've hardly talked to her before, because she thought I looked sad.
I am lucky to be surrounded with such amazing people :)
Take care, all :)
Lots of smiles and love!


Anonymous said...

Are you sad then?

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

I was a bit down about something.

Anonymous said...

Well, the very use of a web diary, is the revealing of things. otherwise you'd have a normal diary, and keep things hidden. So then, if you've got this here, stop hiding things and just be honest. What were you sad about?

Unless, of course there are people reading who you think shouldn't read. In which case your privacy is your own.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

i wasn't going to go into the reason because for the benefit of others I want to post happy things, which my life is primarily comprised of anyway

Anonymous said...

that sentance didn't really make much sense.

but fair enough then. I'm sorry, reflecting i looked a bit agressive. Just curious, mostly curious.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

It's cool, I didn't particularly take it aggressively.
Let me add some puntuation to the sentence: i wasn't going to go into the reason for the sadness, because, for the benefit of others, I want to post happy things (which my life is primarily comprised of anyway!)

Jay said...

Its nice you have such beautiful friends around U! :-)

Anonymous said...

Stupid bitch. I hope you choke on your own cunt.

Anonymous said...

Serious, you need to go to him and get him to Chill.