Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Some words from Leunig...

We give thanks for the invention of the handle.Without it there would be many things we could'nt hold on to. As for the things we can't hold on to anyway, let us gracefully accept their ungraspable nature and celebrate all things elusive, fleeting and intangible. They mystify us and make us receptive to truth and beauty. We celebrate and give thanks.

Let us live in such a way
That when we die
Our love will survive
And continue to grow.

Dear God,
We rejoice and give thanks for earthworms, bees, ladybirds and broody hens: for humans tending their gardens, talking to animals, cleaning their homes and singing to themselves; for the rising of the sap, the fragrance of growth, the invention of the wheelbarrow and the existence of the teapot, we give thanks. We celebrate and give thanks.

In fact, here's a link:!.html

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