Monday, July 25, 2005

Hello hello.
After I read through the secrets there, I scroll through and stop randomly and take whichever secret I stop at to be some sort of a sign. That is if I think it has nothing to do with me or I don't like it, that is.
I've recently been using tarot cards - just randomly picking one out - sometimes. My cards for the moment are the three of cups - the feminine bringing emotional growth, love, fulfillment in a relationship, sensitivity and capacity for giving means that love and frienship will light the future, victorious conclusion to a matter, creative ability bringing joyous rewards; the nine of cups- the wish card, good things coming; the hanged man- denoting some sort of turning around, a descision or sacrifice that will ultimately be good; and temperance- purification of the soul, balance, peace, harmony. With the hanged man and temperance together it may denote hypocrisy or indecision through false promises.
There we have it. All very general and can be taken however one wishes. I still like tarot cards, though, because perhaps there is some kind of real thingys in them, if only because cards and meanings are sunconsciously picked because you like them. The give me hope and wisdom and stuff sometimes, as not real as they may be. Just like the postsecret thing.
My sister and her friend are watching Saw, which I can hear but am trying it ignore (ha, it rhymes!) quite successfully. I don't like scarey movies. They make me paranoid.
The world is a beautiful place, even with mean things. It's nice, and things always turn out well, in my experience (which, of course, is very extensive).
Best wishes to you all!

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