Saturday, July 16, 2005

'Ello 'ello!
Thanks to Bob for posting a wonderful comment!
Um, yeah. Yesterday we went to Versailles, which is crazily huge. It's insane. At night we went to visit some of Jeff's rellies, which was better than expected. I'm really not good at those things - I just sit there and freeze up and act all awkward. But I met a nice girl who I thought was my age but was actually twenty-one. Shiznit! We stuck around together for much of the night. She was great for telling what and what not the eat, but unfortunately I did not see her before eating frozen mustard! Ach! "Very special" they said it was. I just thought it was ice cream. 'Twas humorous. I'm not very good at all this lying to be polite stuff, so I told them I didn't like it, but oh well. We spoke to a number of people who were all very nice. People are, generally, great. I pulled down an Anne Sexton book off the shelf and read a bit. Then one to the old men (I hardly remember any names because there were so many!) talked to me a bit. Seems he was quite impressed and liked me from there on. Apparently I am the only one who's ever taken that book down. Aren't I special.
Then, of course, we eventually had to leave. These things always make me sad. You meet these brilliant poeple who are in your life for such a short time, and in such a shallow way, and you never see them again. That's life, I guess. But *sigh* it does make me sad. People I just pass by so intruigue be. I wonder how they think, why they do things, why they don't do things, and if they're happy, if they're really what they seem. And I judge them. And I think they're beautiful, every one of them. And I want to hold them, get to know them. But once I know someone the magic disappears a little, as I impose my conscious and subconscious boundaries. I'm not the most patient of poeple. And I worry. But the magic still is there when I know them, I just feel I have to supress it more.
On the topic, one of the reasons I have trouble getting close to poeple as friends it I worry what they'll think, because I'm not too sure of the boundaries between friendship and relationship, so perhaps I'll cross it and it will be weird. So I just withdraw. But I'm getting better at it.
By the way, the thought just came to me, that créme brùlée is not nice. At least at the place I had it. *shudder* Makes me sick when I think about it. Just thought you all might like to know that absolutely rivetting piece of information. (Rivets! I need rivets!)
If I think about this blog too much it is somewhat detestable. Me posting my thoughts here in the hope that people will read them and like me or something, whatever my motive is. I should be actually telling poeple face to face, rather then this cop-out system. *sigh* I don't know. I do like this, it's just the thought that makes it bad. Perhaps there is reluctance in my heart too? I don't know! Gar! Things are difficult.And on that note, I think I shall go. Although I'll probably feel the urge to post more throughout the day. Sweet dreams to you all, in awakness and in sleep. And many mind hugs. Byesy byes!

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