Monday, March 13, 2006

Two men argue
Both are right
Both are wrong

--a Zen koan (maybe badly remembered...)



Anonymous said...

Ohhh.. so much thinking for 9:30 in the morning. Both are wrong to argue? Both are right to value their opinions? Hurr, need pink milk.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Mmmmmm pink.
It's whatever you think it is, I reckon. There are lots of ways of viewing it really, all just depends on individual context.
The way I see it is that both are right in that they think they are, and they are expressing their own personal truths or whatever. But then at the same time they're both wrong in the eyes of the other (for who is to say which is truth) and also neither of them perhaps see the whole story, but are only looking at it from their own perspective. I don't know if that expresses it very clearly. I'm not even sure if I said what I intended to say.
It's all perpective and context, both of the individual and of things bigger than the individual.

Anonymous said...

Blah - isn't the whole purpose of a zen koan to put you into a state of deep contemplation/meditation? I.e. the koans are meant to lead you to a contemplative in search of truth, rather than unveiling a "correct" interpretation of what is said, as it's supposed to expand the mind rather than close it. So in theory what was said, and what it means, does not even matter. It is what the thought provokes.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...
