Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Man is eyes, the rest is only flesh: But the true eyes are those that see the Friend; ... Merge the whole of yourself in your eyes, Go towards the vision, go towards the vision, go towards the vision. --Rumi

Happy Harmony Day!


Happy Mabon (autumn equinox) (or Ostara, the spring equinox, to you nothern hemisphere people)! Mabon is a time to remember, celebrate and be thankful for the abundance of life, when we remember that we reap what we sow, and perhaps even decide to sow seeds of joy love in the coming year. Although henceforth the days will shorten and the temperature will colden for a time, we remember that this is only temporary and that the earth will burst forth once more in full life after the darkness and cold of winter. In this, we can see symbolised the cycles of life itself on a number of levels. Internally, we can remember that even through the hard times there is hope, that we will emerge once more, blessed; therefore, rejoice! Also, we can perhaps remember that death is not the end; and that 'death' in a symbolic sense is neccessary for growth and renewal; endings are merely new beginnings. We remember the times that have been with joy, and strive forth ahead in hope and love.
Of course, some of you probably like winter better than summer, in which case you could consider things the other way around! Whatever works for you.
Nevertheless, I would like to take hold of this opportunity to express my gratitude for the eternal abundance of life. Thank you!!! May I sow seeds of love and joy in times to come, and may I remember and embrace the neccessary dying that is part of life.
Thank you again!

Once upon a time, Yukon miners found a ten thousand year old Lupine seed in frozen silt and they turned it over to scientists who grew from it a perfectly healthy bush.
Tarot cards for the day, randomly chosen form the pack:
- The Star: represents the refreshing of the mind and spirit after a period of darkness-through love, unselfish help, and encouragement-bringing hope and spiritual inspiration.
- The Five of Wands: Denotes the triumph of love over obstacles, or a determined struggle that overcomes material adversity-but with a warning that mental ability is needed to triumph, then a change for the better will follow
All seems beautifully, perfectly pertinent to the day! Let's all think about how cool life is for a while...

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