Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A time to pray

I have been asked to say a prayer for you all right now. At the word "asked" I withdraw a little, thinking myself presumptuous. Could I really be "asked" to do something?
I pray...who shall I pray to? To whatever deity is yours, and to the essence that underlies them all, to the luminifluous, shimmelodious, revordial, freshervescent, thrivodious universe, to the sublime divine within and all around, but particularly to that within because it is all around.
I pray that you will all be showered with blessings at every moment of your existence, and that you will perceive this.
May find your truest, most heartfelt dreams and follow along their path forever and ever, and know that the hard times are just as much a gift as the good times.
May you thrive in love and grow to see.
Oh revordial luminifluoscity, help us to live in the light of love and truth. Help us to forgive ourselves, and to forgive others thereby forgiving ourselves, that we may let ourselves and everyone off the hook so we can move forward whole heartedly to a better way of being.
May you be blessed with all that is truely best for you, even if it is not what I think it is.
Amen. Blessed be. Namaste.

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