Monday, March 06, 2006

"H for harry, E for ergent, L for love me and P for p-p-p-please!"
--Yellow Submarine is super cool, hehe!


Anonymous said...

Told ya you'd like it :)
Uh oh! I posted a comment! Arr! The pirates are coming! *evil munchkin plans lurking everywhere*


Pastichna, aka Kristina said...


Anonymous said...

Oh get a room you two!

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Jess is jealous :p

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

I wouldn't call Bryan a hippy... Unless there's some secret hippy nature I don't know about. Some sort of conspiracy going on here, perhaps *paranoia*

Anonymous said...

No need to get paranoid Kris, he just steals your hippy clothes when you're not looking.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! I am found out!