Friday, March 31, 2006

Byron Katie tells this story in her book 'loving what is':

Once, as I walked into the ladies'room at a restaurant near myhome, a woman came out of the single stall. We smiled at eachother, and, as I closed the door, she began to sing and wash herhands. "What a lovely voice!" I thought. Then, as I heard herleave, I noticed that the toilet seat was dripping wet. "How couldanyone be so rude?" I thought. "And how did she manage to peeall over the seat? Was she standing on it?" Then it came to me thatshe was a man-a transvestite, singing falsetto in the women'srestroom. It crossed my mind to go after her (him) and let him knowwhat a mess he'd made. As I cleaned the toilet seat, I thought abouteverything I'd say to him. Then I flushed the toilet. The water shotup out of the bowl and flooded the seat. And I just stood therelaughing.
In this case, the natural course of events was kind enough to exposemy story before it went any further....

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