Wednesday, January 18, 2006

This is just a little post to help me remember something and affirm it to myself.
"In releasing this vicious cycle [of making yourself a victim], it is well to view the totality of human suffering and recontextualize the events from the level of compassion. As the Buddha pointed out, being mortal automatically entails suffering, which is why he taught to seek Enlightenment in order to preclude that karmically determined recurrence. When one willingly lets a hated perpetrator 'off the hook' by forgiveness, it is not that person who is taken off the hook but oneself. As the Buddha also said, there is no necessity to punish or get even with others because they will bring themselves down by their own hand." --David Hawkins
Oh, I shan't resist...Time for a picture or three!


1 comment:

Krisswampthing said...

*sighs* I've been gone and all you do is post up bits from you book. dearie me, i won't even have to borrow it at this rate *grins and laughs*

Nice photography man. Hope your learning how to use it spiffily and do all the cool stuff, so we can get more ugly and horrid photo's of you like that one Hooker photo *shudders*.

Anyways, sleep Sweetly