Monday, January 16, 2006

Hello! I got a digital camera, so from now on this blog is going to have photos! Hooray! Ummm, I tend to think lots of things are beautiful that others don't think are that great, but oh well, you shall just have to suffer my boring pictures, muahaha!

Ooooo, so arty, hehe

A photo took on my journey to Alaska! Just kidding, I've never actually been there. I'm such a dirty liar. It's just a picture I found.

The Northern Lights are so incredibly amazing! I would love to go see them some day! So amazing!

Well that's all the photos for now. More shall be coming, though, don't you worry, hehe!

Apparently, castrated men live nine years longer than those who are not castrated. Hm.

Anywho, take care, and have a great one!

So many exclamation marks hehe!

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