Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Spin around, fall down, drag myself out (not without help, of course)
Spin around, fall down, float on out again
Each time harder
Each time easier
Each time more rewarding
As I strive simultaneously for truth, or at least honesty, and to run away from it in fear
When I don’t know what to do
Just let it sit, let it stew.
Let it run through its course
Because I’m not sure what’s right and true.
Until it’s over
And I come out the other side more blessed than before.
But the low times seem to be increasing
While the high times are few
(But better than ever)
But I still have the memory, and I know what’s possible.
So for now I guess I’ll just sit and stew.

"It’s just over there, just over that summit, then it’s on your way down for another year. No not down, because you want to go up, so you just know that down is up and roll on with the metaphor."-- Mr. See Subtle