Sunday, January 01, 2006

"I like smiling. Smiling's my favourite!"

I wish you all a very very happy new year!!!
Some of you will not be having the best time this new year's, but I promise you that it needn't set the tone for your whole year, just in case you were thinking that. I promise you that.
I wish upon all of you all of my bestest blessings for the coming year, because I love you, and I shall be praying for you.
As for me, I enter the new year full of a new discoveries: a sense of belonging that I woke up with just the other morning, that has nothing to do with anything physical; a newly discovered love; a love of life and greatfulness for being alive; and a consquent will to go on, to travel whatever path is before me in the best way I can, to strive to be the best I can be for everyone else.

Oh and by the way, just to come back and show me that I know absolutely nothing and not to get cocky, my period is a little more painful than usual, and I have experienced many blows to what I thought I knew and now truely see that I don't know (and yet I still wish to strive on, which is super great!)

So love to you all, and take care of yourselves.


Krisswampthing said...

Hey silly, you put it on the 21st, not the 31st :P so its a few entries ago, better change that missie,

Krisswampthing said...

*Laughs* oh, my word verification was "wovedaa", true kristina spirit.

Anyways, i forgot to borrow that book off you man. Shit silly of me to forget. Anyways, have a good new years