Monday, January 23, 2006

So I've decided that as of this post my blog will be in complete honesty, or at least I shall try it to the best of my perception of things, although I can't promise that I am seeing clearly.
So there you have it. No more subtle things to cover myself in any way, make myself appear to think how I think I shoud think (hehe) or anything (such things have been depleting in number over the last while anyway). So I am committed now, as soon as I press the "publish post" button...Here I go...
Luf :)


Krisswampthing said...

Heheheh, from the moment you press the publish button? THEN MAYBE YOUR NOT BEING HONEST WHEN YOU RIGHT THAT! *dah dah daaaaaaah!*

heheh, a little murder mystery.

without the muder.

Or the mystery.

Damnit, i've got nothing. But hurrah Honesty!

Anonymous said...

Good riddence to bad rubbish! Although, with the prevailing number of quotation marks I see in your bloggo thingy, are they not just the thoughts of others which you have decided to take upon, rather than thoughts of your own? Well, atleast an understanding of why you think such thoughts are profound would be nice. Love you anyway :P - Jess

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Indeed I am being big on quotes, sort of like I'm adopting the views of others. I shall think on it. But for now suffice it to say that the things I actually write shall be more honest. ALthough I think I may have achieved that before I decided to set it in words. Either way, I love you anyway as well, anyway meaning in spite of your face! hahaha I'm so funny

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

That was a terrible profane thing to put on my beautiful pure blog and I shall hate you 4eva, ugmo

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

p.s. luf!

Krisswampthing said...

hehehe, disapear for a day and Kristina's getting into fights already. Shame on the both of you *grins*

Also, my apologies for my spelling error above.

Anyways, about quotings things. It depends on when you quote things, what your intention is. Whether its a complete agreement with the thoughts and feelings behind it, or perhaps just the desire to share them with others? I'm sure there are other reasons, but thats the two positive reasons why i would Quote different things.

And yes, it was profane to say. And yes, Kristina your a silly bunt for saying Ugmo, what are you, Twelve? *laughs* heheheh.

Take care.