Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ways To Relieve Stress, from

dedicated to my fellow hsc students...and everyone else

Watch a sunset
Go to the beach
Be positive
Sing a song
Pet a dog
Tell a joke
Listen to music
Blow bubbles
Take a nap
Dance a jig
Take a walk
Write a letter
Have a cup of tea
Ask for help
Take a break
Do it now!
Keep a journal
Hum a tune
Practice patience
Get up early
Do Tai Chi
Play a drum
Give a hug
Throw a ball
Play with a child
See a movie
Plant a flower
Say "No"
Set Limits
Eat a snack
Read a book
Practice kindness
Light a candle
Laugh out loud
Lie in the sun
Walk in the rain
Run in the park
Talk to a friend
Take a bubble bath
Avoid negative people
Take a deep breath
Ask for what you need
Go to bed on time
Walk a labyrinth
Give a compliment
Clean a closet
Go barefoot
Give a blessing
Watch a sunrise
Say a prayer

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