Monday, July 24, 2006

Over the last couple of days, almost every time (except twice) I click on the "next blog" button it hasn't been giving me advertising ones and the such, but instead ones written by real people, interesting ones, a lot of which I now read. I like them, it's nice just reading what people write about their everyday lives, and looking at pretty pictures and stuff. Because they often have cool things to say. Oh, and a significant number of them have been from Santa Monica or Santa Cruz, California, and Rob Brezsny from Free Will Astrology lives in Santa Cruz. AND one talked about something that was talked about on the blog listed on Free Will Astrology, and well as talking ab out a random artist I looked at a couple of years ago who I didn't care about at the time but have since reevaluated that opinion. And they've all been about things relevent to me at this point in my life. So yeah, I just think it's cool

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