Friday, July 28, 2006


Because I've been blabbering along about sir kandinsky esquire (otherwise known as kandinsky) for the last while, my mum calls me downstairs last night to see...
an article about him in Time! About an exhibition that is one of the very few times ever lots of his works have been shown together. Now I just need to get to England, or Switzerland...

Ah, coincidences :)

Oh, but then I turned over the page and saw an article that hurt my feelings at first. Aww, poor moi. But then I was like, screw that! As if I'm going to let that put a dampener on my dreams! You see, it was a review of some book that sounded nice, but the reviewer said that it was just too cheesy and lame and that what people really want to read about is the dark facets of human nature. And! in the course of dissing this book, it also dissed the movie of Pay It Forward. Although I don't really remember the movie, I do remember the book, and I thought it was great. He said that the movie was only redeemed by the fact that the kid died!
So after some exclamations I decided that instead of being all hurt and hiding from it at all, I shall instead take it as an inspiration to figure out some way of writing that fits into my dreams for it, but also reaches a bit of a wider audience than a book like that might.
Because I have read that the secret to life (according to some sculptor...Henry soemthing) is to have a task that you devote your whole life to. But the trick is, it has to be something you cannot possibly do.
So I was thinking maybe mine could be something along the lines of : write the best novel ever written, in the opinion of everybody; so good that it inspires hundreds of millions of people to have a significantly better life.
That seems suficiently unacheivable to moi.
So when you read it, you can all say "wow, I remember when she was just a budding little naive silly writer" and people will be like "omg you know her!" and you'll be like "ah, sure"
and that's my story
maybe i'll write a story about it one day
speaking of stories! I shall soon be posting some short stories i wrote as a major work for school!
bet you can't wait


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay short stories! They cater to my attention span :p