Wednesday, February 08, 2006

In light of recent commenting, I want to say a few things here.
I have been very 'wrong' in a lot of ways. By wrong I mean acting in ways attatched to negativity. I wish to shed them, and the negativity within myself that underlies them, that I may become a better person for everyone. I want to do it for myself, too, in a way that I hope to shed as well in due course.
I read the following today: "...and only observed in how it unfolds..." Quite a 'coincidence' that that was posted on this day, at this time.
It has been commented that I do not show my professed love through my actions. Henceforth I will rectifyt that.
I will follow a path of love and see where it takes me. I have chosen compassion as my single concept to focus on, for it has been said "All spiritual truth is contained in every spiritual concept; it is only necessary to totally understand one single concept to understand them all, and arrive at the realization of the Real. Choose one concept or spiritual tool and pursue it relentlessly to its ultimate end: forgiveness or kindness carried to the absolute, the 3rd step from a 12-step program, whatever. Then apply it to every single thought, feeling, action, and behavior, without exception." (Dr. David Hawkins, The Realization of the Presence of God).
I do not understand compassion. I tend to equate it with pity and sadness. I shall learn.
I am afraid.
I will persevere, and see where I end up.
My best blessings to you all.

1 comment:

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Hahaha. Ok, I'll keep it in mind (but I still don't believe he's bad).