Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I have been trying to write my extension two major work, and have decided to post my little germ of a story on here that I just. It's liek my thrid or fourth go at starting, not to mention all the little bits and pieces, but we'll just wait and see how it turns out.
I would really apreciate feeback on this! Thank you :)

We’ve been driving on this winding road going up and up and up, winding this way then that then this then that. We’ve been on it for what seems like ages now. But it hasn’t been like that the whole way. I mean, I’m not a liar or anything, I’m really not, but it seems like that’s the way it’s been. I guess in actuality it’s been more like a mixture of very windy roads and slightly less windy roads, now that I think about it; but never dead straight ones.
A neon sign warns of brumbies, and I remember movies I used to watch when I was younger in years. I could say “when I was a kid”, but I’ve never been a goat…and anyway, I like to think of my youth as something that has not ended. I’m sure it hasn’t. But I had a point there…oh yeah, brumbies. I remember beautiful images of horses running with what seemed like wild abandon through snow and grass and sparse bush and ragged scrub. Sometimes they spoke of danger to come, or they were the danger. Muscular forms of brown and red and white and all the colours in between flashing past the camera, crossing mountains and raging rivers. Creatures or the ancestors of creatures who had left the humans who laid claim to them, perhaps following the call of something bigger than themselves.
I’ve seen a lot of signs. We all have, I guess. Announcements of speed limits or changing traffic conditions or potential hazards. Around these parts, they usually warn of the danger of wild animals, although brumbies is a special one. Most often it’s kangaroos. We hit one of them once, years ago when my family and I were driving back from the snow. It was a child. We missed the parent it was following, did not expect a second. The big strong man of the group had to drag its flinching corpse off the road. Ever since then we’ve paid the little extra money for insurance on hire cars.
Up in the higher paths fluoro poles mark the edge of the road so you don’t drive off and tumble to an icey/firey death and realise your automobile really is vulnerable. Of course, at that point I assume you wouldn’t really be intellectualising about such things.
That sort of behaviour is left to us living ones not caught in the midst of an adrenalin rush.
“‘You’re far away. Where are you?’” I hear an enticing whisper in my ear, ripping me away from my intellectualising and back to the present. A friendly reminder. I turn around and grin, “‘in a world that’s falling apart.’” The two of us laugh, regarding each other with eyes locking us together, sparkling in mirth.
“I spy with my little eye…”
“Oh god, Tammy, don’t start that crap again. We’ve got some good music going here; must you go ruining it with your ugly voice?” Tongues poke out, leaving the wetness of mouths in favour of the dryness of the air for the purposes of humour. Laughter rings through the atmosphere.
“Yo' mamma.”
“Ooooooo, owned!”
Smiling faces resonate throughout the car, seep through the glass and the material and the metal into the environment without, mingle with the alpine air and warm it up, just a little.

Late night. Blue glow of the computer illuminates the room with an eerie, night-timely light that pulsates almost imperceptibly, or is it just my tired mind? I’m coming down from the alcohol now, at that stage, you know, when you get really sleepy and sad. Except I’m not feeling all that sad, this time. I’ve heard that some of your best work is done at four o’clock in the morning, so I’m finally here, after all these years, testing that theory.
I write whatever flows out from my fingertips to the screen. The alcohol has softened my brain, so I feel free to just write without judgement.
The others are asleep on the queen-sized bed next to me. We’re too cheap to bother with two rooms.
This night passed we stayed up together like we have so many others, drinking, dancing, talking, laughing.


and that's all for now. Stay tuned for later installements!
Remember, feedback please!
Night night darlings, hehehe.

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