Thursday, September 21, 2006

We're all in this together (it's alright, and I put myself in his hands)

Everything is crying out for me to really put things into action. Every inspiring quote and bible verse that has come my way lately. So that's what I'm doing. It's funny how much one can deceive oneself. I mean, I thought I was putting stuf into action, but I wasn't as much as I could, and I knew and and I didn't. Anyway, I'm ever so slightly less scared now, so I am ready to do whatever I may do.

I graduate next Thurday! OMG! Now I'm a big almost uni person I realise they're not so big after all, hehe. Busyily preparing for Lip Sync (doing fantabluous dances from Oliver and High School Musical, hoorah), and writing fuzzy wuzzies, and going to 18ths. Too busy to study. But the HSC is in only a month! HAHAHAHA! Speaking of the HSC, I shan't be posting here much until after I finish and then spend a few weeks in a drunken haze. After that, I shall REVOLUTIONALISE this blog. Until then, fare thee well chickies

(and guess what I just found out...this is post number 200)


Krisswampthing said...

Hahah, High School the Musical? Dear god what's happening :P Possibly one of the cheesest musicals i've ever seem. Still fun though.

On huzzah on the drunken Haze Miss. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

I haven't actually seen it, hehe. But I can dance it nonetheless!!

Bryan said...

Boy can you dance.


