Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pensieve doggie. Windswept old farm doggie. The wise one of the pack. Nature boy.
I wonder what he's thinking?
Maybe he's thinking about unicycles...

Maman related a tale to me today, and it goes a little something like this:

Ok, so I was wlaking along, minding my own business, when suddenly out of nowhere this crazy man on a uniycle tries to run me down, and he's screaming "Give me back my iced cream, please!"

Or, in other words, she saw a man, a man who is the father of a guy who was in my grade at primary school and he's a vet and he used to bring his rats in and they were cute. So she saw this man, walking two dogs (whippets, to be exact) AND RIDING A UNICYCLE! Just casually riding along, two whippets and a unicycle, up hills and everything!

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