Friday, August 11, 2006

How did hopelessness come to be regarded as a mark of sophisticated realism?

I was lulled to sleep by the bright blue wash of the full moon last night, and I was greeted by the sense of spring in the air when I awoke today. I was too hot in bed. And I opened the window wide, which I'm not allowed to do in winter, as much as I'd like to freeze to death just so I can hear the outside from inside. The sun shone and it was so blissy and I had rude awakenings to face up to and not so rude ones, too. Both very welcome, as much as I try to rile against the former. More good news: the rude awakenings have not yet sent me to a place where I am blind and lose all faith. I think that's progress, dont you? Time will tell.
Exams coming up, and the finishing of major works. Suddenly I am stressed and realise there's not so much time as I thought. Hehehe, that's always the way. Ach, King Lear! *pulls out hair* Tell me, how would YOU stage the struggle between order and disorder in King Lear? Because I'm at a loss. Stage it? What the hell? How can I write an essay on that? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!
But I'm sure I'll survive and all will turn out for the best becuase I love you.
So goodday to you


Bryan said...

I knew if I came on today there'd be an entry. Good to see luna had a positive effect on your sleep, did she make you dream?

Any future luck with King Lear? To stage the struggle.. to demonstrate in a scene? I unno. Me english goodness.


Anonymous said...

*intro (make sure to repeat the question with many synonyms)

*question's topic addressed (ellaborate on what you think, or what you will show questions topic to be and how it relates to the text, quotes from the text are worth double points)

*reference reading/production (ellaborate and draw links to its construction and the question)

*repeat with second text(contrast or draw links between two referenced texts for super points)

*reiterate question in the context of the two referenced productions

*conclusion(if you have any more good synonyms for topics adjectives now is a good time to use them! triple points!!)

... won the hsc!


Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Wow, it's all so simple! Hoorah!
I think I need you to me by tutor. I'll pay you in foliage and pretty pieces of glass. Pleeeeeaaaase

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Ocean-tumbled glass.
Please could you pop by...I'm at my dad's this weekend...Sunday/Monday evenings, if you aren't busy