Saturday, August 19, 2006

I am not impressed with The Pet Show right now. Not one little bit.
They had a segment on ferrets that was so very biased. They chose weirdest and most offensive ferret owners they could find - a goth lesbian couple who had about a dozen ferrets. There was this shot where one of them was sitting on a chair staring blankly at the camera with ferrets crawling all around her. Them in the little information section afterwards the people said that you feed ferrets baby chicks. Baby chicks! What the hell!
That's discrimination against ferrets! I don't appreciate it. I should email them. Ferret rights please!

In other news, I love Hanson so much. They make my heart hurt. I don't know what it is about them, but it's always been that way. This spontaneous heart welling up when I listen to them sometimes. Hehehe. Another group that is unfairly discriminated against. I should become a Hanson/ferret activist

It's hard to find a good picture of them though...Some activist

Taylor's so pretty

In more other news, clean white sheets remind me of summer, and my windows are open! It's nice to be able to look out without the view being obscured by dirt. Maybe I should clean my windows...There's a magpi couple that sit on a pine tree that is flat the the top for some reason or other, looking all regal. They remind me of The Lion King.

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