Sunday, June 18, 2006

Where the ocean is deepest
And the sky meets the earth
I rise in tandem to your breath
Oh, morning
Lift me to your prayers
And speak gently with my eyes.
Take my Soul and leave my heart
Next to the pillow of our desire
Near an occasional dream
Love, you have absconded like
A dog with a bone,
A bird with her song,
And if my wings should unfurl,
Take me high and away,
Leave nothing to chance,
Leave nothing at all.

Where is this beat that keeps all this
Together? Is it an echo of Love? Is
It the want of Desire? Please take me home,
Remove these long shadows of doubt, let the sunshine
In and the evening dwell in the honeysuckle of my heart,
Oh, dark Love of mine, touch me, release me
Make me whole again.

Silence. I dwell in thee. I am starlight falling
A hungry flight of wings and creatures that stir,
Ripping the seams of Night, plucking arias from
Heaven from Hell's liquid tongue, flowing in deeper
Shades of twilight memories and ravages of ancient fires
In bodies of Lovers, holding on. Holding On.


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