Friday, June 09, 2006

My horoscope for the week:

This would not be a good week to cast a curse on God in revenge for what you think are his mistakes. Nor would it be a favorable time to draw blasphemous cartoons of saints, or pretend that atheism is any less of a faith-based belief system than religion [my italics]. In fact, if I were you, Capricorn, I would utter a few prayers, purify your motives, and do some really good deeds--just in case there's even a slim possibility that divine help is abundantly available to you right now. (P.S. From what I can tell, there's more than a slim possibility.)


Simon said...

How is the prediction going so far?

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Who knows

Anonymous said...

Divine help?

Help me if you can I'm feeling down...

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Damn drunks