Sunday, June 06, 2010

Ulysses, James Joyce

I hardly got into it because I'm so damn slow and decided to sacrifice optimal reading experience for practicing speed, so I can't have a proper opinion on it. However, I think that basically it's really good and somewhat mindblowing - in its in-depth structure and goodness at the writings - except for its focus on the grotesquaries of day to day life, which were important as a thing to come out into the light once upon a time but now have been written and written so that there's nothing grand about revealing them in literature. Also other themes that have since been done to death - in fact, it reminded me very much of lots of things I don't really like that have come after, only its better and also more justifiable because it was In the Beginning. However, it also reminded me a very lot of DFW in different ways to the stupid ones. I can only assume that he loved the book and had read it many times and modeled his work on it to quite a degree - because of funny things like exhaustive detail of the objects in one draw, words not often used normally but noticeably used by Joyce and DFW like supine and akimbo, and a voice that perfectly blends a distant formal viewing of the world with the voice of the character in a way that borders on annoying sometimes but is still fun to read but is still difficult but is awesome.
I would like to read it again, but I will as always stop myself and move on to something else, which is possibly a silly idea.

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