Saturday, November 01, 2008

all this talk of selves is making me hungry

I think the film in question is called Night of the Living Dead but I can't be sure, it's just too subtle and scarey to understand anything!

You can watch the entire movie on youtube. And when I say "you" I mean you, since my computor/internet connection couldn't possibly handle it.
My first embedded video! I'm moving up in the world.

Oh McSweeney's, you have all the advice I need to get through life. For example, if I wake up one day buried alive I now know how to handle the situation with confidence. Thank you Jim Stallard! Although I'm not sure what this means: HLY SHT BD ALV. GT HLP, BRG SHVL, OXY, BR (NT PBR) Somebody please help me understand. So far I've got "holy shit buried alive. Get help, bring shovel"... don't know what the rest means. Does anyone?

And omg more zombies plus Thriller world record! That many zombies together dancing like Michael Jackson, holy piss awesome

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I got as far as Oxygen, Beer (Not... ) then had to look up the significance of PBR, and found this:

which would make sense!