Sunday, October 12, 2008

On a clear night if you look close enough you can just make out love and other plaaaaneeets

So I think that politics (i.e. who to support, what policies to support etc.) is too fucking huge so I would have to put so much time into becoming informed about it, time that I would rather spend on other things, that there is definitely no point in forming opinions because if I did they would be hopelessly inadequate. There is so much you'd have to look into to really understand things it's insane - for the first thing there's the actual policies themselves, to understand which you'd have to understand every field evaz (looking into all the theories of psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, sociology etc. [also involving learning all about these as well, meaning further research]); all the different theories of economics; all the different theories of...all this other stuff that I don't know the words for, but in short everything; then you have to take into account that people lie and misrepresent and everything people say is laden with rhetoric and their own point of view which is personally and contextually situated; and then you would have to also understand everything about yourself in order to see how you were interpreting the stuff you were researching. i.e. know everything eva.
But I guess I'm going over the top a little. Probs you can still be informed without knowing everything eva or at least try but I have other things I would prefer to do. Probs this makes me a terrible person.
I thought someone at work backstabbed me pretty bad but apparently she didn't (although you never really know if someone's telling the truth/whole truth or not but you can't just always treat everything as though it's lies it's juts that it's not surprising when things turn out to be so). So that's nice.
And as I was writing this stuff I came across a Wall Street Journal article that talks about this a little. Here's an excerpt:

"...And yet at the debate, when one citizen-questioner invited both candidates to think aloud about the responsibility of our representatives in Washington, they both gently suggested she was cynical.

She was not cynical. She was informed.

Why would anyone trust either candidate to help dig us out of this if they can't speak frankly about what got us into it?

One had the sense this week that our entire political class is playing Frisbee on the edge of a precipice, that no one is being serious enough, honest enough, that it's all too revved, too intense, and yet too shallow. I have grown impatient with the strategists from the campaigns, the little blond monsters who go on cable TV to give us their bouncy, aggressive, tendentious talking points. They are like the men on the plane, the gargoyles with BlackBerrys who think the race is about them and their personal win/loss ratio, who think history is their plaything, who stay up with the press in the bar sipping Perrier and calling it seltzer, and who advise their candidates, in essence, to talk down to the voters, to the American people. They treat every crisis as if it is a political fact to be used for gain or loss, and not as a real crisis, something that deserves a response of gravity and seriousness.

It is asking a lot to ask a political animal to be thoughtful, because they find meaning in action. They are propelled through life by the force of their hunger. But now and then you want to see them think. You want to see them speak the truth. This is one of those times."

It's hard/impossible to know what's real. This information isn't 'getting me down' though anymore, it's just something that needs to be realised. A basic lesson of life I guess. This shirt really appeals to me. I just find it nice and also a little comforting and a little...just kind of perfect. Maybe I will get it.
I'm feeling like I might like to move out, but I'll wait a while and see. I'm not sure if it's really worth having to work more and maintain my life/a house more when home isn't really a problem, I'm just feeling on quite a different wavelength to my parents. We'll see.
Other things: Ummm, I don't know. I got my Who Killed Amanda Palmer cd and my I Killed Amanda Palmer shirt the other day and I purchased a 250G (that's the abbreviation that all the cool kids use right?) hard drive that's only the length of a pen and like 200 grams or something insane like that. I like consuming!
Also, Rishi, if you're out there, here's a website for you!

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