Monday, September 22, 2008

I think that all creative work is inherently representational, self-consciously or otherwise. So when women are represented as creatures with no intelligence of their own further than how best to dote on their man this is simply employed for the purpose of communicating something experiential that cannot be reduced to its politics, but is felt. This idea of course has its limitations, in that it can ignore the very real influence of the political in everyday life. Also, I know I am hypocritical about it. When it comes to something I'm not particularly passionate about at the moment I'm thinking about it like the prior I dismiss it as mere representation, but when it comes to something I have some investment in at the time I see it more in political terms, such as the way some people look at contemporary USA and say it's going to hell because I think that shows they're dismissing good things and only seeing bad. But on a basic level I think it is all representations of parts of humanity that transcend political reductionism.
I realise that the same is thus true for everything I think. So I'm content to say "oranges are delicious; if it wasn't for the fact the last few bites are just not-nice-tasting pulp they would be the best fruit ever" or "that person's shirt is fucking stupid" or whatever general value judgement because I'm aware that it's only my opinion. This means that I am comfortable stating value judgements as though they're True. But if I keep that up will I come to forget the more subtle feelings and believe my words?

Also, I am so embarressed by this blog and by so many things I have written to people and shown people of myself and it feels like I let these huge slippages appear in the me I want to show to the world that others don't let appear so I just look like the biggest retardloserevaz. This has a lot to do with trying to be in the world in particular ways by only going through particular motions of awesome ways of being without actually having the full context of that awesomeness, such as deciding to be honest about particular things that really have less to do with honesty that with other things, or thinking it would be great to build a community of such and such people by writing one thing but never really working on the more important parts of that. So I've decided I must self-regulate more and bottle things like creative impulses up more and not let anyone know and then maybe they'll actually grow and only be shown to the world when they are worthy.

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