Tuesday, March 13, 2007

you take what's alright and turn it into a work of art

I've been lied to. Uni really is a lot of work!
Yes, I'm a fresh little first year uni student now. I should probably go out and burn my bra or something, ay
Uni's pretty good. A lot of work, but it's alright. I've met my twin. She too wants to be a writer and for the same reasons as I and wants to tranfer to international studies and go to France and other things. Making friends is easy. It's easy to chat and ask people things about themselves and tell them about yourself etc, but what happens after that stage is over? All shall be revealed in good time.
Jack Kerouac is my muse, and every time I want to get inspired I just read something by him and voila. I wrote something for my writing subject in a way that, in my limited experience of writing, I haven't done before - I just started with the opening few words and watched where it took me, and where it took me was somewhere with more heart than anything I've written before (not that I've written much...), and I handwrote it, which I used to not be able to do very well - I'd always use the computor if I really wanted to get something done - and it was the reqired 500 words without me having to regulate it - it just fell into place.
Apart from uni, I've fallen in love. Her name's Sarah Humphreys and she's taken my heart with her melodies and her alternate sweet/aussie voice and the way she bends her notes and her little smiles. She won her heat of the singer/songwriter's competition hands down. My obession with her peaked in the latter days of the latter week until it stopped me studying because all I could do was hum her song to myself and I decided it was getting a little out of hand...But there you go

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