Thursday, January 25, 2007

I write this in the presence of rain. It taps on the window and reminds me that it is pattering down outside, falling to the ground in tiny droplets, blessings in pellet form. If I'd written this yesterday, it would have been in the presence of the scent of bushfires, that summer smell that ties my life together, reminding me of what it is to be Australian, to grow up somewhere where this smell is normal, even beautiful. The houses of many of my friends were engangered by the fires. But that is life here, isn't it? In order for the bush to be healthy - for seeds to germinate, for soil to be fertilised, for old growth to be cleared to make way for the new - it must burn. It must die. And then after the fires it comes to life! Seedlings come up everywhere. It all looks a little strange for a few years, with dense undergrowth and gum trees growing out oddly, but eventually it's back to normal.
Rain much needed to replenish the dry earth. I pray that the rain reaches the dams and brings them above this critical level. I pray that the rain reaches the country where they need it most, and breathes life into dying towns, dying farms, dying livelihoods. I pray that this long drought may turn.
Thy will be done.
Went walking last night in the rain. Replenished relationships, rebirthed what had been dying, now a little stronger, a little more succulent, roots a little deeper. Dirt on my feet in the shape of thongs, reminding me how we walked. Walked through many a spiderweb, ducked under, darted around, or jumped over others.
Australia Day is coming up in just a couple of days. I've becomes quite patriotic these days. Something about Australia makes my heart ache with love. Maybe it's all the propaganda, or maybe it's a little more than that, but I am so blessed to live in this country. So incredibly blessed. It's so beautiful, and there are so many opportunities and it's built on awesome values. It's nice. Australia Day is "an active celebration of Australian values: mateship, tolerance, a fair go for everyone and hey, not taking life too seriously!" and "It's about looking at our past, considering our present and recommitting to making our future even brighter." Always a good thing to do, I think. Here's something from the Australia Day website. Sure, it's art, and you could call it all lies, but I feel it in my heart. It's something that we strive towards, and there's nothing wrong with that:
The people - The life savers on the beach and the farmers in the bush; the larrikins; our sporting heroes, artists and visionaries; the volunteers who dedicate their lives to others; the spirit of pulling together in hard times and achieving beyond expectation; the eminent Australians from all walks of life, the battlers and the ordinary Australians who are anything but ordinary.
Our land - Fragile yet enduring. Harsh and extreme, lush and bountiful-a continent like no other. Our ancient land offers boundless opportunity, sustains us and makes us who we are.
Our diversity - A nation of difference and unity. People from the city, the country, different nations and backgrounds; we are one people, living together. Through our diverse beliefs and experiences we learn from each other and grow together.
The indigenous cultures - The rich and resilient spirituality; the knowledge, art and history. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are part of Australia's identity and culture.
Our freedom and democracy - A society built on fundamental rights and responsibilities. Freedom of thought and expression. Participation in government and respect for and equality under the law.
A fair go for all - An enduring spirit of mateship and fairness. A compassionate society committed to access to employment, housing, health and education. Ours is a land of opportunity where we can do anything.

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