Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"The first step to waking up is the discovery that you have been asleep...
Everyone is living in their own reality, continuously finding evidence to prove what they want to believe...
Frustration and conflict are messages from the universe that it is time to back off. When you find your center again, act...
If you do not like the reality you have been living in, choose one that you would prefer and live in that as if it is already so...
When you accept one hundred percent responsibility for your experience, you gain one hundred percent of the power to create the experience you would choose...
The world you see is a stage you have constructed with your thoughts, and everyone you meet is an actor you have hired to play out the script you have written...
You can tell what you believe by what you are getting."
- Alan Cohen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... an interesting point of view. {deep thought}