Monday, November 12, 2007

The Newtown Festival and Holidays!

Went to the Newtown Festival yesterday. Basically spent the day looking around at stalls, met some new people and just hanging out I suppose. Didn't actually do much, especially when I think of it in terms of how long we were there. Time flies when you're having fun. It has been so nice this weekend hanging around not doing work without the nagging feeling that I should be doing work. Watched a TV series of The Forsyte Saga - books by John Galsworthy - for many hours. I've concluded writers are sadists. All they do is come up with characters who they lovingly fashion just to make them suffer. Damn writers. Anyway, here's some pictures.

Just to imprint thier names upon my memory (left to right): me, Jack (who went ot the Bob Dylan concert when he came out here), Zoe (who I'm friends with from uni), Cai (who I don't know anything about), Boris (who's from Germany), other guy who's name I din't know, and Peter (Zoe's friend, who introduced us to these other people).

Funny hair!

Omg a brush with fame (Australian fame anyway; non Australians might remember the security breach at APEC - these guys got a fake motorcade right to the hotel where George Bush was staying, and even then had to stop their progression themselves by jumping out of the limo dressed as Osama bin Laden - very embaressing for the security people!)

Starting a new job today, where I will be working probably about 20 hours a week over the holidays. Not sure how I'll do with working that much. We shall see!

Have a good one!

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