Thursday, February 01, 2007

Practice=noun Practise=verb

I shall henceforth remember this, with a handy reminder: s=verb=sverb=sven!

Your Heart Is An Empty Room, by Death Cab for Cutie

Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue

Home's face: how it ages when you're away
Spring blooms and you find the love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
Cause the chase is all you know
And she stopped running months ago

And all you see
Is where else you could be
When you're at home
Out on the street
Are so many possibilities
To not be alone

The flames and smoke climbed out of every window
And disappeared with everything that you held dear
And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free

'Cause all you see
Is where else you could be
When you're at home
Out on the street
Are so many possibilities
To not be alone

And all you see
Is where else you could be
When you're at home
There on the street
Are so many possibilities
To not be alone

When you're at home, what do you do? Well, I get strange. Spending the whole day at home gets me blocked up (and I do it a lot, don't I). Stasis. That's what it's like. An itching stasis. It shits me. How do I get things done when I can't get things done? I never take advantage of my clear and driven times, just say "awesome! i'll do something about that later." Hahaha, it's a little silly, these things people do. It's difficult growing out of the self you're so used to being. You didn't even realise it was nothing more than habit, or how it would be to change that habit, until you started to work on it. But there have been changes. Many changes. Great changes that make you very happy when you look upon them. Look at how much you've grown!! So you remember that all you need to do is keep at it and then you smile smile smile :)
I enrolled in my uni courses today. Not that I actually got a choice in what subjects I did, but I still had to go there and organise them. The handbook makes it seem like you have a choice - you must do two subjects from each of the three disciplinary strands - and then you look at the available subjects, and what do you see? There's only six subjects available, hahaha.
It's very exiting!! Going to uni, doing this course that seems like it will be awesome. It's actually on fiction writing! I thought it might focus more on media writing, but the writing part is on fiction!
I forgot, or never really knew because I didn't really pay attention, that this session was specifically for my course. So there were two guys in the line behind me - writing and cultural studies? Yeah - and I turned around and said me too! as if it was some amazing coincidence. Hahaha. But on the plus side, I made a friend already! There were real coicidences involved here, too. The first guy behind me said he lived in Cheltenham, I think. I think he said that. Which is where I live! No one lives here! The other guys went to Epping Boys High, right near by! And the first guy wants to do international studies too! Maybe I should assassinate him so he doesn't get my spot. Excuse me for a minute...*opens a cage* fly my pretties, fly!
Ahem, where was I...
I have only four days at uni, and, if all goes to plan, I'll be going to lectures from 9-10 each day, and then tutorials from 10-11:30. Then home! That is, of course, when I don't have any EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES on. That's right! I am doing extra curricular activities. That's quite a change for me. I want to do so many, but I can't do them all, for I do have to work really hard so I can transfer into International Studies. I want to join the orchestra, but they practise until 8:30 at night, and lots of people have been getting accosted/raped in my area lately...I hope I can do it, though. The train is safe, surely. Maybe I could find some music friends. That would be good.
Anyway, I'm just blabbering on boringly, aren't I? See, I'm taking some advise from a friend - blog to improve your writing skills. Which isn't really what I'm doing now, except I'm maybe freeing things up a little.
Oh no! It's raining! That's good, but I have some tomatoe seedlings out there! Little babies! I hope they don't get hurt! Is that how you spell tomatoe? It looks wrong.
Tomorrow, I have to write a 3000-5000 word story, so I can spend the following day revising it so I can send it off the day after that so it arrive in time to be judged!! I started it in third person, but it wasn't going anywaywhere so I switched to first and now it's cruising along. Wish me luck! Pfft, I don't need luck, I'm a genius, hahaha.
If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a chortler tonight. More humour in my life is my mission!
Goodnight, all. May you all be carried away to some wonderful place in dreamland that revitalises your non-sensory senses


Bryan said...



Now write like the wind, bullseye!

Pastichna, aka Kristina said...

Ha! *slaps thigh*