The Crying of Lot 49 was insane and uncertain with questions and enigmas (and tautology) and (arbitrary?) pattern recognition and synchronicities you couldn't be sure meant something or were just imagined - or more correctly, you knew they meant something, but you weren't sure if there meaning was in the external world or only the internal of characters.
The mystery of it was exciting and intriguing; but at the same time you knew it wouldn't be solved, maybe that it couldn't be solved because it was too involved with the very personal perception of people so you couldn't ever know the truth and just when you thought you did something else would turn it all around and the author certainly was not going to help you out but the whole time, even at the end ti was ok because it made the story like life (if magnified and artified) - all personal and uncertain and really about the things you experience, ie feel as real.
Also about Corporate America.
I read it in a new way - learnt to read how you're supposed to read, dwelling internally on words, images, descriptions, ideas of the types I used to dismiss, until they became felt and I recognised them as actually (internally) sensually accurate to my experience.
I learnt that with words you just have to try to get as close to the experience as you can. Not everyone will understand all the time because they express felt experience, which differs.
Obvious points turning into lessons as they become experienced ie felt ie my whole point.
Also, noticeable knowledgeable use of 'into' versus 'in to'.