If anyone 'spiritually inclined' out there happens to read this...
There is this exercise I've been doing lately. It's so incredibly simple, but as many great people have been forced to learn, the things of real value often end up being hidden with things that are simple. A little cosmic giggle, when you go out on some path through the wilderness, bashing through the overgrown shrub, crossing rivers, climbing mountains, and then you realise that just two metres to the side, behind a wall of shrub, there is a meadow that will take you there too. And then you realise that you actually planted that shrub, in some distant dream long ago. This exercise seems to have brought incredible growth to my life. The things that I have been striving after and agonising over just seem to be spontaneously happening, and it is so wonderful, and I am so greatful. So I will share it here, in case it may be of some benefit to someone.
All you have to do is 'breathe' spiritual energy from the base of your spine up to your head. You can imagine it as a brilliant white light.
A little background can help here.
Please note that I am trying to talk about this stuff as accurately as I can, although I may have some details wrong, or not quite right.
This 'spiritual energy' has been identified and used in many spiritual traditions, but what would I suppose be the most common term for it would be kundalini energy. It is this energy that is said to flow through the 'spiritual body' in perspectives that suggest we have two bodies: the dense and the etheric. This is the energy that is the vitality of the spiritual reality.
A slightly more complex version of the exercise is one that deals with the chakras...Let me go get a book to make sure I'm getting this stuff right...Well I can't find it right now, but the basic idea is there. It shall be as it may.
Other things:
- Almost four months off uni is almost upon me! Oooo the anticipation. And at the same time not, because when I look truely at my life I realise that it doesn't make a difference to my happiness or anything, that having all this work to do hasn't actually really gotten in the way of the fullness of my life. No, that is an independent inner state that relates to the interpretation you choose to have of what life gives you. I have had a wonderful year, and learnt so much and experienced so much 'despite' all this uni work (although despite may not be the right word...maybe 'including from', because although I don't agree with my course in a lot of ways or like it all the time, it has helped me grow).
- Willie Nelson is an amazing man. I read this book he wrote called The Tao of Willie, and you could say that it changed my life. Or just that it certainly helped. I'll go get it...Random quote from Willie time...Ok, I'm not sure that there's anything all that quotable here, but I'll put it up anyway since that's where it opened...
Our life is our own possession,
and it's benefit to us is very great.
That's not even by Willie Nelson but by an early Taoist teacher called Yang Chu. But that's what my eye fell upon. Far be it from me to judge it unworthy.
- I got a job! After a couple of rejections and starting to worry that no one wanted me, I got part time work for the holidays
- I'm going to Melbourne in February with friends, staying in a hostel, eating good food, listening to good music, doing whatever else you do in Melbourne. Excitement!
- I'm meeting up with one of my tutors in the holidays. Weird? Maybe. But he's so amazing. In the tutorial today, almost everyone was there - amazing, considering the numbers in other tutorials were much lower. But people like to go because of him. People have said that they want to write good essays because he's going to be marking them. There's apparently a group of facebook called 'I wish John Carr was my dad'
- I'm enjoying being social at the moment. It's fun distracting myself from uni work with talking to people
- Been working on my singing voice and songwriting skills (both of which have improved) in hopes of having a go at being in a band
-I'm becoming wise - one of my wisdom teeth is peeking out. No more fun and games, have to mature up!
Hmmm that's enough for now. Sleep time!
Goodnight :)
(need to add pictures for prettiness...there we go)