"don't hate yourself for them.
don't give in to anger or embarrassment.
don't indulge in guilt or feel ashamed.
that is only self-pity in disguise.
there is no-one but you who demands penance.
rest assured, you have already been forgiven.
"God does not need you to earn Forgiveness,
or sacrifice yourself to be deserving of eternal Love.
Lovingness and Forgiveness is what God is, you see,
and you are deserving of it by virtue of your existence alone.
"guilt is like a rope that you hang yourself with,
and fear is your own failure to see the beauty of the tree.
so don't attach yourself to negative emotions--
take note of them when they arise,
but let them go, for they are useless,
and will only weigh you down.
"stop kicking yourself for your past mistakes!
stop taking yourself so seriously!
your "sins" are already atoned for--
the world does not need another martyr.
"seek understanding, not condemnation,
in the actions and choices of yourself and others.
after all, none of us can be different than we are.
"observe that to hate evil is still to hate.
know that darkness can only be dispelled by light.
realize that the shadows you see are from your own reflection.
remember that you are here to heal and not to fight.
"don't compare yourself to an ideal.
you're doing fine as you are, and there is no need to hurry.
find joy in the struggle between who you are and who you wish to be.
"stop judging your experiences, and focus insteadon ever higher ways of loving Creation.
learn to love the totality of God's manifestation.
the only real way to know Love is to become it,
and in doing so you become One with the Divine.
"there are a million ways to distract yourself, indeed.
life after life you've sought comfort in self-made illusions.
in spite of your childish defiance, however,
your destiny is already determined.
your "salvation" has already been assured.
someday, somehow, no matter which road you choose,
you're going to make it home.
"so go and play as long as you want.
laugh and hurt, worry and rejoyce.
go and get lost in infinite possibility.
"but underneath it all, i tell you now,
it is Oneness that you seek--reunion, resolution--
the remembrance of your true Self.
"fear not, then,
because somewhere in your journey through eternity,
you'll discover (or remember, rather)
that only Love can satisfy your immortal soul.
"when you've exhausted every other possibility you'll know,
that true freedom lies in the willing surrender
of everything but your highest dreams.
that surrender brings with it the realization
that God's greatest giftis our freedom to take the long way home.
"what's ironic, though, is that the search itself is an illusion.
the divinely tragic comedy we've created only serves to distract us
from the fact that we've already arrived.
"that is, what it is you think you must do
is in Reality already accomplished.
right Now, not later,
your highest voice speaks to you inside your head.
don't try to bullshit me here, it won't work.
i've already heard what you think you might hear.
"all you have to do is listen.
"listen, and then follow, and be certain of your knowledge.
be confident yet humble in your divinity,
and be careful not to mistake humility for pride.
"and don't worry if you stumble and fall,
because it's already understood
that living your dreams is easier said than done."